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Difference between Myth and Legend | Myth vs. Legend

Difference between Myth and Legend | Myth vs. Legend

Myth vs. Legend

Difference between Myth and Legend:- All cultures have their histories and beliefs, which are part of their identity. Some of these stories pass from generation to generation and others are forgotten over time. The histories of the towns are characterized by presenting to superhuman personages that defy all logic and rule of the nature. They may also contain supernatural elements.

Many of us know the legends that are told in our community and some myths like those of the Greeks and Scandinavians. We know that even our culture is sometimes influenced by mythology or the legends of other territories. You have probably read about different heroes and the tricks some use to get rid of death, some enemy or just get something they want.

Difference between Myth and Legend

Speaking of stories and folktales that often become well known, to avoid confusion between two different ways of counting them; Here’s the difference between myth and legend.

The term legend derives from the Latin word legere which refers more or less to “what can be read”. Legends are narratives of actions performed by humans at some point in history; are usually a historical account of events and people of antiquity, but in this story are mixed supernatural elements and other fictional elements.

Generally, legends have very little evidence to prove their veracity. In addition, when counted by people from generation to generation; many times can be modified and make use of the exaggeration.

Many legends are often the fruit of some people who by their past achievements, became a source of inspiration for the rest. Legends count in each generation as a way of teaching or giving certain lessons of faith, loyalty, trust and other virtues.

Among the most famous legends, we can mention some examples like: Atlantis, King Arturo, Helena de Troya, Tristan and Isolde …

The word myth comes from the Greek term mythos meaning story or story. That’s the same myths, stories or stories that have been rooted in the religion and popular beliefs of a people.

Myths arise as a way of explaining how the world came to be in its first state, where we came from and how or what produces natural phenomena.

Generally, myths include supernatural elements and do not mix historical realities.

The myths are traditional stories that tell of events that are historically historical and serve to unfold part of the worldview of a people or explain certain practices, beliefs and phenomena.

Note: The word myth could also refer to a person or thing that has only an imaginary or unverifiable existence.

In myths it is common to find gods, creatures, heroes and human beings in various spheres and above all; achieving supernatural feats. Some examples of myths that we can mention are: Narcissus in Greek mythology , Jehovah, Sisyphus, among others.

Key differences between myths and legends

  • Legends are often talked about people who actually existed and who are considered heroes or heroines of the past, while myths are stories that explain practices, beliefs and natural phenomena.
  • Legends sometimes have some evidence to support some veracity, while myths have no evidence to support them.
  • Legends may be based on reality, but this is exaggerated; while myths are fruits of the imagination.

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