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Difference between MP4 and FLV

Difference between MP4 and FLV

The difference between MP4 and FLV files is that MP4 is a newer and more versatile file format than FLV. MP4 can be used on a wider range of devices, while FLV is more limited in terms of compatibility. Additionally, MP4 offers better quality video than FLV. If you are unsure which file format to choose for your video project, MP4 is generally the best option.

What is MP4?

MP4 is a multimedia container format that supports both audio and video. MP4 files are commonly used by digital media players and can be played on most computers and mobile devices. MP4 files are typically smaller than other video formats, making them ideal for downloading and streaming. MP4 files can also be edited and shared more easily than other video formats. MP4 is the successor to the MP3 audio format and is often used to create videos for the web. MP4 files are usually encoded using the H.264 or MPEG-4 codecs.

What is FLV?

FLV is a file format that is commonly used for delivering video over the internet. FLV files are typically smaller than other video file formats, which makes them well suited for streaming applications. FLV files can be played back using various media players, including the popular VLC player. FLV files can also be embedded into web pages using HTML5. In addition to video, FLV files can also contain audio and metadata.

Difference between MP4 and FLV

MP4 and FLV are two popular video file formats. MP4 is a standard format that is used by many devices, including iPods and iPhones. FLV is a format that is commonly used for videos on the internet. MP4 files are typically smaller than FLV files, making them more suited for portable devices. MP4 files can also contain more information than FLV files, such as metadata and cover art. In addition, MP4 files can be played on a wider range of devices than FLV files. However, FLV files have better compression than MP4 files, making them more suited for internet streaming.


The difference between MP4 and FLV is that MP4 is a more universally accepted format, while FLV files are typically smaller in size. If you’re looking to encode videos for the web, we recommend using MP4 files. However, if the file size is a concern and you don’t need compatibility with as many devices and browsers, then FLV may be a better option for you.

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