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Difference between Modern and Post Modern

Difference between Modern and Post Modern

There is a big debate these days about what the difference is between modern and postmodern architecture. Some people say that there isn’t much of a difference, while others insist that there are major distinctions. In this blog post, we’ll take a look at some of the key features of each style and try to determine which one is right for you.

What is Modern?

Modern architecture is a term used to describe a type of architecture that became popular in the early 20th century. Modern architecture is characterized by its use of new materials and technologies, as well as its rejection of traditional styles and designs. Modern architects sought to create buildings that were functional and efficient, and they believed that form should follow function. As a result, Modernist buildings are often characterized by their simple, clean lines and lack of ornamentation. Modern architecture has had a profound impact on the way we build today, and it continues to be one of the most popular styles of architecture.

What is Post Modern?

Post-Modern architecture is a style that emerged in the late 20th century. It is characterized by a rejection of traditional values and an embrace of diversity and change. Post-Modern architects often experiment with new materials and forms, and they are not afraid to break with convention. As a result, Post Modern buildings can be playful and even whimsical, as well as innovative and groundbreaking. While Post Modernism has its detractors, there is no doubt that it has left a lasting mark on the world of architecture.

Difference between Modern and Post Modern

Modern and postmodern are viz. different in many ways. Modern architecture is the style of the late 19th century. Modernist architects rejected traditional forms, providing instead new ways to use modern materials such as steel and glass. Modernist architects also believed in the power of technology to improve the human condition. In contrast, postmodern architecture began in the 1970s as a reaction against the starkness of modernism.

Postmodern architects incorporated elements of historical styles into their buildings and used bright colors and interesting shapes to create a more whimsical look. While Modernist architects sought to redefine the profession, postmodern architects embraced playfulness and variety. As a result, Modern architecture is characterized by its simplicity, while postmodern architecture is known for its creativity.


The difference between Modern and Postmodern design is that while Modernists value simplicity, order, and functionality, Postmodern designers often celebrate chaos, inconsistency, and ambiguity. Many people believe that the shift from Modernism to Postmodernism reflects a change in the way society thinks – from a time when everything could be explained through reason and science to one where interpretation and multiple perspectives are more important than ever before. If you’re interested in learning more about how this philosophical shift has played out in the world of design, check out some of these resources on Postmodernism.

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