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Difference between Microservices and Web Services

Difference between Microservices and Web Services

When it comes to developing applications, there are a variety of options when it comes to architecture. Two popular choices are microservices and web services. Despite sharing similarities, these two approaches vary greatly in terms of their implementation, scalability, and flexibility. In this blog post, we will navigate through the differences between microservices and web services so that you can make an informed decision on which one best fits your requirements. From understanding their initial design features to exploring how each is deployed differently — buckle up for a ride as we uncover what sets microservices and web services apart from each other!

What is Microservices?

  • Microservices architecture is a software development approach where individual, small services are combined to create larger and more complex applications. Microservices break down components into isolated units of functionality, allowing teams to build and scale applications in an efficient manner.
  • Microservices are lightweight apps that communicate with each other via APIs and run in their own processes, which promote scalability and simplify maintenance. Microservices have become popular due to their ability to speed up development time and increase reliability compared to traditional monolithic applications.
  • This makes them ideal for developing enterprise-wide applications as well as for deploying different versions of a service in production at the same time. Microservices are also widely used for DevOps tasks like code testing or managing databases.

What is Web Services?

  • Web Services is an accessible network interface that is becoming increasingly popular. Web Services offer a great way to connect server-side applications and transfer data between them, enabling developers to access and use service-oriented architecture or SOA.
  • Web Services allow for remote procedure calls, which allow several programming languages to interact smoothly, regardless of the operating system they are built upon.
  • Web Services are widely used in enterprises everywhere, providing services such as web hosting and data storage on a secure infrastructure to ensure reliability. Web Services can be accessed using different web protocols on any device with an internet connection – making it one of the most powerful tools at our disposal.

Difference between Microservices and Web Services

Microservices and Web Services have similarities as well as important differences.

  • Microservices are sets of loosely coupled services that collaborate to create a complete application, while Web Services are based on Service-Orientated Architecture.
  • Microservices are smaller, easier to scale and support multiple technology stacks compared to the relatively inflexible Web Services.
  • Microservices operate independently utilizing their own resources, unlike Web Services which are often hosted and dependent on a single application server for its functions.
  • Microservices also use messaging protocols like REST/HTTP APIs to exchange data between each other, while Web Services typically rely more heavily on web service descriptions like WSDLs or SOAP.

While both Microservices and Web Services play an important role in modern IT architectures, understanding the difference between them is key in order to effectively leverage them for specific requirements.


Microservices are a newer approach to software architecture that enables more flexibility and faster delivery times for new features but requires more overhead in terms of managing the various services. Web Services, on the other hand, have been around longer and use a more traditional approach to software development but can be less flexible when it comes to adding new functionality. Ultimately, which approach is best depends on your project requirements and team preferences.

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