Difference between MFC and Win32

Difference between MFC and Win32

MFC and Win32 are two different ways of doing Windows programming. MFC is Microsoft Foundation Classes, while Win32 is the 32-bit API for Windows. MFC is a library of classes that make it easier to program in Windows, while Win32 is the underlying system that all Windows programs use. In general, MFC is more object-oriented, while Win32 is more procedural. Which one you should use depends on your needs. If you need more control over how your program works or if you want to do things the “Windows way,” then you should use Win32. If you want something that’s simpler to work with or if you’re working with an existing codebase that uses MFC, then you should use

What is MFC?

MFC is a family of computer programming languages. The MFC library provides a set of C++ classes that can be used to program Microsoft Windows applications. MFC was originally developed by Microsoft for use in Visual C++ and has since been ported to other compilers, including GCC and Clang. MFC is not part of the standard C++ library but is provided as a separate library. MFC is released under the Microsoft Foundation Class Library license, which permits its use in both open source and commercial software. MFC is primarily used for developing GUI applications, although it can also be used for console applications and ActiveX controls. MFC applications can be created using either MFC wizards or by hand-coding. MFC provides a wide range of classes that can be used to create GUI widgets, database access components, and network communication libraries. In addition, MFC also provides a set of templates that can be used to create efficient and robust code. MFC is an extensive and powerful library, making it a popular choice for developing professional-quality software. However, MFC code can be difficult to read and understand, making it important for developers to have a good understanding of the library before using it.

What is Win32?

Win32 is a 32-bit application programming interface (API) for programs that run on Microsoft Windows operating systems. It was first introduced with the release of Windows NT in 1993. Win32 provides the core set of services that all Windows-based applications rely on, including memory management, input/output (I/O), process and thread creation, and security. Win32 is also the platform on which Microsoft builds many of its own applications, such as Internet Explorer and Microsoft Office. While Win32 has been succeeded by more modern APIs on 64-bit versions of Windows, it remains widely used due to its compatibility with older software. As a result, Win32 is likely to remain an important part of the Windows ecosystem for years to come.

Difference between MFC and Win32

MFC and Win32 are two programming interfaces that are used to develop applications for the Windows operating system. MFC is a set of classes that provide a higher level of abstraction than the Win32 API. MFC also includes a set of tools, such as a resource editor and wizards, that make it easier to develop applications. In contrast, the Win32 API is a lower-level interface that gives developers more control over the application. As a result, MFC is generally better suited for developing graphical user interface (GUI) applications, while Win32 is more appropriate for developing console or command-line applications.


The MFC library offers a more object-oriented interface to Windows programming, while Win32 is a low-level API that provides more direct control over the operating system. In most cases, MFC will be the better choice for developing applications because it is easier to use and offers many features that are not available in Win32. However, there may be some situations where it is necessary to use Win32 instead of MFC.

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