There are many different personality typing systems available, but two of the most common are the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) and DISC. Though they both measure different things, these systems can be used together to give you a more complete picture of your employees’ personalities. In this blog post, we’ll take a look at the key differences between MBTI and DISC, so you can decide which system is best for you.
What is MBTI?
MBTI is an acronym that stands for Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. MBTI is a psychological assessment that is used to measure personality type. MBTI was developed by Isabel Myers and her mother, Katherine Briggs, based on the work of Swiss psychologist Carl Jung. The MBTI assessment consists of four dichotomies: extraversion-introversion, sensing-intuition, thinking-feeling, and judging-perceiving. Each individual falls into one of the 16 possible personality types, which are represented by a four-letter code. MBTI is often used in business and education settings to help individuals better understand themselves and others, and to promote communication and teamwork.
What is DISC?
DISC is an acronym that stands for Dominance, Influence, Steadiness, and Compliance. DISC is a model that is often used to assess an individual’s personality and behavior.
- The model suggests that there are four different personality types, each of which is characterized by a different set of traits. Individuals who are high in Dominance tend to be assertive and competitive.
- Those who are high in Influence are typically outgoing and persuasive. Those who are high in Steadiness are usually patient and reliable. Finally, those who are high in Compliance tend to be compliant and detail-oriented.
- DISC can be a useful tool for understanding how people interact with each other and how they may respond to certain situations. While the model is not perfect, it can give individuals a better understanding of their own personality and behavior, as well as the personality and behavior of others.
Difference between MBTI and DISC
MBTI and DISC are two popular personality assessments.
- MBTI is based on four personality preferences: introversion/extraversion, sensing/intuition, thinking/feeling, and judging/perceiving. These preferences are then used to determine an individual’s personality type.
- DISC, on the other hand, measures four personality traits: dominance, influence, steadiness, and compliance. These traits are then used to create a profile that can be used to assess an individual’s behavior.
- Although MBTI and DISC share some similarities, there are also some important differences. MBTI is focused on personality preferences, while DISC is focused on personality traits.
MBTI is also a self-report questionnaire, while DISC is an observational assessment. As a result, MBTI and DISC offer different insights into an individual’s personality.
Although both frameworks are widely used in business, they differ in important ways. MBTI focuses on innate preferences that people have, while DISC looks at how people behave in different situations. Understanding the difference between these two frameworks can help you better understand yourself and your team, and make better decisions about how to work together most effectively.