Difference between Marketing and Advertising | Marketing vs. Advertising

Difference between Marketing and Advertising | Marketing vs. Advertising

Marketing Vs. Advertising

What is the difference between Marketing and Advertising?

In the business world, it is not enough to make a good product or offer a good service,

it is also necessary to know how to attract customers and even more; how to retain them.

It is for this and other reasons that we gave way to the development of advertising and marketing.

You may think that the last words from above refer exactly to the same, but it is not so.

Continue reading, we will explain to you the difference between marketing and advertising.

Difference between Marketing and Advertising


Marketing links to systematic planning, implementation, and control of business activities

The main purpose is to maintain the relationship between sellers and buyers.

It comprises a wide variety of activities aimed at selling a product or service.

Marketing focuses on selling an image of the business, deciding how to distribute services or products based on a series of factors, and the satisfaction of the needs and desires of customers.

Marketers implement a series of strategies to know not only how to make the most of the business at the moment, but also in the future.

They analyze the market, distribution channels, take into account products and services that compete, work with strategic prices, budget and sales.

In short, marketing has more to do with public relations than the direct selling of products and services.


On the other hand, advertising is just one aspect of marketing.

It consists of a series of public announcements containing messages whose purpose is to persuade people to buy something from a particular sponsor

Advertising is the non-personal promotion of the services and products of a business and its focus is to make new potential customers realize what it is offering. It is focused solely on products and services.

There are 15 Types of Advertising in the Tech World

  • Print advertising
  • Direct mail advertising
  • Television and media advertising
  • Radio advertising
  • Podcost advertising
  • Mobile advertising
  • Social Media advertising
  • Paid Search advertising
  • Native advertising
  • Displany advertising
  • Search Engine advertising
  • Outdoor advertising
  • Guerrilla advertising
  • Product placement advertising
  • Public service advertising
  • Video Advertising.

The process for advertising follows more or less the following line:

determining the audience, agreeing with the media, launching ads, and finally analyzing the results.

We can find advertising on television, radio, the internet, newspapers, magazines, brochures, emails, and even phone calls.

Key differences between Advertising and Marketing

  • Advertising uses the data collected by marketing strategies to communicate the brand to its best.
  • Marketing means preparing a product for the marketplace
  • Advertising is making your service or product viable to a marketplace or audience.

For Further Reading

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