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Difference between Marinara and Pizza Sauce

Difference between Marinara and Pizza Sauce

There are many different types of tomato sauce, but one of the most popular is marinara sauce. This sauce is usually made with tomatoes, herbs, and garlic. However, pizza sauce is a bit different. It typically includes tomatoes, olive oil, salt, and sometimes pepper. Both sauces are delicious, but they have a few key differences. In this blog post, we’ll take a closer look at the difference between marinara and pizza sauce. So, what sets these two sauces apart? Let’s find out!

What is Marinara Sauce?

Marinara sauce is a tomato-based sauce that is typically used as a dipping sauce or for flavoring pasta dishes. It is made with tomatoes, garlic, onions, and herbs, and is often seasoned with olive oil, salt, and pepper. Marinara sauce has a long history, dating back to the 1600s when it was first mentioned in Italian cookbooks. While the exact origins of Marinara sauce are unknown, it is thought to have originated in Naples, Italy. Today, Marinara sauce is one of the most popular sauces in the world, and can be found in nearly every Italian restaurant. Whether you enjoy it as a dipping sauce or slathered on your favorite pasta dish, Marinara sauce is sure to Satisfy your taste buds.

What is Pizza Sauce?

Pizza sauce is a type of tomato sauce that is typically used on pizza. It is usually made from tomatoes, garlic, oregano, and other spices. Pizza sauce can be purchased pre-made from the store, or it can be made at home. When making pizza sauce at home, cook the sauce on the stove until it reaches the desired consistency. Then, spread the sauce on the pizza dough and add toppings as desired. Bake the pizza in a hot oven until the crust is golden brown and crispy. Enjoy!

Difference between Marinara and Pizza Sauce

  • Marinara sauce and pizza sauce are both tomato-based sauces that are commonly used in Italian cuisine. However, there are a few key differences between the two sauces.
  • Marinara sauce is usually made with fresh tomatoes, while pizza sauce is typically made with canned tomatoes. Marinara sauce also typically contains garlic, onions, and herbs, while pizza sauce is more simplified and only contains tomatoes, salt, and pepper.
  • In addition, Marinara sauce is thinner than pizza sauce and has a brighter flavor. Pizza sauce is thicker and has a more mellow flavor. As a result, Marinara sauce is better suited for use as a dipping sauce or in pasta dishes, while pizza sauce is ideal for use on pizzas or in calzones.


So there you have it, the difference between marinara and pizza sauce. Both are delicious, but for a true pizza experience you’ll want to go with the latter.

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