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Difference between Mapai and Mapam

Difference between Mapai and Mapam

Maps are not always just a simple tool used to find directions. The history and development of Israeli political parties can be seen through the lens of two different maps: Mapai and Mapam. Created in the early days of the Jewish Settlement in Palestine, these two maps document the evolving landscape of Israeli politics and society. Each map tells its own story, painting a picture of two very different periods in Israel’s history. Although Mapam is no longer a functioning party, its legacy remains an important part of Israeli politics and society. By understanding the differences between these two maps, we gain a better understanding of Israeli history and current events.

Who is Mapai?

Mapai was a Zionist political party in Mandatory Palestine. It was the largest party in the Zionist Congress and was the precursor to the modern-day Israeli Labor Party. Mapai was founded in 1930 by David Ben-Gurion, Moshe Sharett, and Berl Katznelson. It is notable for being the party of several Israeli Prime Ministers, including Ben-Gurion, Levi Eshkol, Golda Meir, Yitzhak Rabin, and Ehud Barak. Mapai’s main goals were to establish a Jewish state in Palestine and to promote the interests of Jewish settlers there. To that end, the party worked to promote Jewish immigration and settlement in Palestine. Mapai also championed the cause of full political and civil equality for all citizens of Israel, regardless of religion or ethnicity. Today, Mapai’s ideological descendants continue to play an important role in Israeli politics.

Who is Mapam?

Mapam was founded in 1943 by members of the Labor Zionist movement who were opposed to the Mapai party’s dominance of the Zionist movement. Mapam’s stated goal was to create a “new type of Jewish society” that would be based on socialist principles and would promote Jewish cultural and economic revival. Mapam was one of the most important political parties in Israel during its early years, and it played a significant role in the country’s first two decades of existence. However, Mapam’s influence declined steadily over time, and the party was eventually dissolved in 2008. Nevertheless, Mapam left a lasting legacy within Israeli society, and its impact can still be felt today.

Difference between Mapai and Mapam

Mapai and Mapam were two of the most prominent political parties in Israel during the country’s early years. Mapai was founded by David Ben-Gurion, the first Prime Minister of Israel, and it advocated for a strong central government. Mapam, on the other hand, was founded by a group of left-wing intellectuals and it championed socialist ideals. Both parties played a major role in shaping the young nation, but they often found themselves at odds with one another. Mapai generally favored closer ties with the West, while Mapam advocated for closer relations with the Soviet Union. As a result, the two parties often found themselves at loggerheads on a variety of issues. However, despite their differences, Mapai and Mapam both played a vital role in shaping Israel’s early history.


The main difference between Mapai and Mapam is that Mapai focuses on the individual, while Mapam focuses on the community. Both of these ideologies are important in their own ways, and it’s important to understand both when making political decisions.

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