Difference between Male and Female Mosquito

Difference between Male and Female Mosquito

A single male and a female mosquito may look like no more than small, annoying pests to most of us, but in reality, these two sexes are complicated creatures with some distinct biological differences. From body shape and size to reproductive organs and behaviors associated with mating rituals, there is much that sets male mosquitoes apart from their female counterparts. So what exactly makes the difference between a male and a female mosquito? In this blog post, we’ll take an in-depth look to understand both the visible physical differences as well as the underlying metabolic processes behind them.

What is Male Mosquito?

  • Male mosquitoes have an important, yet often unsung role in their ecosystem. Unlike female mosquitoes, who feed on blood to provide nutrients to nourish fertilized eggs, male mosquitoes don’t bite or harm humans and animals.
  • Male mosquitoes only eat nectar or other sugary liquids as a source of energy and sustenance. Male mosquitoes boast a whole set of specialized tools that enable them to detect mating partners that are long distances away through complex system senses.
  • Male mosquitoes’ short lives are devoted primarily to the task of locating and mating with the female mosquito population. Male mosquitoes serve an integral purpose in the environment, serving both pollination and reproduction services in many insect species.

What is a Female Mosquito?

  • Female mosquitoes are the type of mosquitoes that actually have the capacity to bite. They need access to a blood meal for nourishment and because of this, some refer to them as hematophagous (meaning “blood-eating”).
  • Female mosquitoes gain their strength from sucking on the blood from mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, and other creatures. In doing so, they inject saliva that contains anticoagulants which are designed to keep the creature from noticing their presence.
  • After feeding on a creature’s blood for up to 3 minutes it only takes about ten days for the female mosquito to digest the nutrients and generate eggs for reproduction. Female mosquitoes are indeed fascinating creatures!

Difference between Male and Female Mosquito

Male and Female Mosquitoes differ in a number of ways, both physical and behavioral.

  • Male mosquitoes typically have bushy antennae which are used to detect the sound vibrations of potential mates, while female mosquitoes tend to have veined wings that they use to fly farther distances in search of food sources.
  • Male mosquitoes sometimes feed on nectar and other forms of sugar-rich liquids, while females seek an enzyme-rich-blood meal in order to produce eggs.
  • Male mosquitoes are also much less aggressive than female mosquitoes as they do not require a blood meal like their female counterparts. It is interesting to note that males live an average lifespan of 7-10 days whereas females can live up to 2-3 weeks.

Finally, it is only the female mosquito that bites humans as part of her reproductive cycle. Male mosquitoes do not bite human skin for sustenance or for any other purpose.


Though they both can transmit diseases, female mosquitoes are the ones that actually pierce human skin in order to feed on blood. This is because males don’t drink blood- they stick to eating plant nectar instead. Because of this, it’s important to target female mosquitoes when we’re trying to prevent mosquito-borne illnesses from spreading. Now that you know the difference between male and female mosquitoes, you can be more strategic about how you protect yourself and your loved ones from these disease-carrying pests!

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