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Difference between Male and Female Brain | Male vs Female Brain

Difference between Male and Female Brain | Male vs Female Brain

Male vs Female Brain

Difference between male and female brain: – It is universally known that men and women have many characteristics that differentiate them. They tend to react differently to certain situations. It is said that each has better skills to adapt to different tasks. This blog post is all about the Key differences between the male and female brain. Keep reading the article to learn the difference.

Difference between male and female brain

Gender roles require that men be better suited to careers such as politics and science (in any of its branches); while women over the years have been given a more passive role in society And in most cultures you will be educated to stay at home.

Men and women differ from each other, but not only because of the gender issues mentioned above and are purely conventional; but there are also certain differences that go beyond the physical aspect. This is the brain structure.

Note: Although the descriptions that we will make below may not be related to each individual person (regardless of gender), they are more or less accepted as generalizations.

Male brain
Science has shown that the male brain differs from that of the female, especially in regard to size; the brains of men are greater than those of women. Although the reasons for this phenomenon are still unknown, it is usually attributed to the fact that men are usually physically larger than women. Therefore, it is logical that this feature is also reflected in the size of the brain.

In addition, men predominate in the use of the left hemisphere (which does not mean that they do not use the right as well). The left hemisphere is related to logical and rational thinking, while the right hemisphere is usually associated with emotions and creativity. In women, both the right and left hemispheres are equal in size and function. This may explain why women appear to be more emotional than men. Nevertheless, this has no impact on general intelligence.

Between men and women, there have been no significant differences in IQ levels, except for the fact that men appear to excel in mathematics ; Presumably because of their greater logical reasoning (for reasons mentioned above), while women tend to emphasize more in language learning, due to the effective use of cognitive capabilities provided by the right hemisphere.

According to Simon Baron-Cohen, the masculine brain is characterized by the systematization of tendencies; in this case it is understood by systematization the coherence to analyze, to explore and to construct a system. Men tend to figure out more how things work and often try to understand the rules governing the behavior of a system, in order to predict or reinvent it.

It is said that this tendency to systematize by men is an evolutionary mechanism that at one point was very necessary to invent tools and weapons, in order to defend and protect their own from enemies. Likewise, their lower empathy ability helped them to survive in solitude during long hunting and travel seasons; As well as to commit acts of interpersonal violence and aggression, behaviors that were considered necessary given the male competitions.

Female brain
In addition to what has already been said, given the way the female brain works; l as women, unlike men they are more prone to empathy. Empathy is what allows you to identify the emotions and thoughts of other people to respond to them with an appropriate emotion. Women are predisposed to better understand other people, predict their behavior and connect emotionally with them. This makes them more intuitive with their own feelings and in a general sense, better communicators of them.

These trends and differentiations have been developed in response to various situations and environments to which each of the sexes have faced over the millennia.

Women developed their empathy tendencies to effectively care for their babies, understanding and anticipating their needs; since they cannot speak yet. In addition, this feature helped ancestral women make friends and allies in the new settings and tribes in which they had to live when they formed new families.

These trends, in some cases have come to affect the current relationships of couples; because men are generally more reserved with their feelings or do not know how to express them clearly; while women sometimes become so emotional that their partners believe they try to manipulate them or simply find it difficult to listen to them.

Key differences between male and female brain

  • Men have bigger brains than women.
  • The brain of a man weighs approximately 1325 grams, whereas that of a woman weighs 1144 grams.
  • The brain of women has a higher percentage of gray matter, while that of men has a higher percentage of white matter.
  • Blood flow is faster in women’s brains than in men’s brains.
  • Women lose less brain tissue as they age, while men lose more.
  • The female cerebral hemispheres are more balanced than those of the male brain.
  • Men have the larger amygdala than women, which is why sex can be a determining factor in showing reactions to stress.
  • The hippocampus (crucial for storing memory and calculating space in the physical environment) is larger in women than in men.


Women: They are more prone to chronic depression and anxiety due to the levels of serotonin in the brain.
Men: they are more prone to mental illness. They are also more likely to be dyslexic, with language disabilities, autism, and Tourette’s syndrome.

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