Difference between Mainstreaming and Inclusion

Difference between Mainstreaming and Inclusion

There is a lot of confusion surrounding the terms “mainstreaming” and “inclusion.” Many people use them interchangeably, but they actually have different meanings. This article will define both terms and explain the difference between them.

What is Mainstreaming?

Mainstreaming is the process of integrating students with disabilities into regular classes. Mainstreaming can benefit both disabled and nondisabled students by increasing disability awareness and promoting social inclusion. In order to be successful, mainstreaming must be carefully planned and implemented with the needs of both disabled and nondisabled students in mind. Mainstreaming can be challenging, but it can also lead to increased academic achievement and social growth for all involved.

What is Inclusion?

Inclusion can be defined as the state of being included or being made a part of something. In the context of education, inclusion is the practice of making sure that all students have access to the same educational opportunities, regardless of their abilities or disabilities. This includes providing accommodations and support services so that all students can participate in the classroom and other school activities. Inclusion is important because it ensures that all students have an equal opportunity to learn and succeed. It also helps to create a more positive and supportive learning environment for all students.

Difference between Mainstreaming and Inclusion

Mainstreaming and inclusion are both educational approaches that aim to provide educational opportunities for all students, including those with disabilities. The main difference between the two approaches is that mainstreaming focuses on integrating students with disabilities into regular classrooms, while inclusion focuses on providing support so that all students can participate in the same activities and learn together. Mainstreaming is often seen as a less disruptive option for integration, as it doesn’t require significant changes to the curriculum or classroom environment. Inclusion, on the other hand, may require more accommodations and support in order to be successful. Ultimately, both mainstreaming and inclusion have the same goal: to promote equal access to education for all students.


Inclusion, on the other hand, is about creating an environment in which everyone feels welcome and has the opportunity to participate. It’s about giving people a voice, listening to what they have to say, and taking their needs into account when making decisions. Inclusion is about building relationships and working together towards a common goal. When done correctly, inclusion can lead to better ideas, more creativity, and a stronger team spirit. So how do you go about mainstreaming autism in your workplace? The first step is understanding the difference between inclusion and mainstreaming.

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