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Difference between Magnetism and Electricity

Difference between Magnetism and Electricity

When it comes to the complicated world of physics, energy is a primary focus. From understanding how light is created to studying the greenhouse effect and why we get static electricity shocks when walking around on a dry day, energy plays an integral role in our lives. One type of energy that has fascinated scientists for centuries is magnetism and electricity; two forces which sound similar yet have some key differences. In this article, we’ll explore what these differences are so you can understand the power of both magnetism and electricity!

What is Magnetism?

  • Magnetism is one of the most fascinating and mysterious phenomena in nature; it has been studied for centuries by scientists. Magnetism occurs when a magnetic field is generated around certain materials, such as iron, nickel, and some types of stones.
  • The strength of the field depends on the material it’s interacting with. Magnetism can be found in everyday objects like refrigerator magnets or used to generate electricity.
  • Scientists still don’t know exactly how magnetism works, but it’s long been accepted that magnets are made up of small particles called ‘electrons’ which can interact with each other to create a force that pushes or pulls other objects around them. Magnetism can be an intriguing force for anyone who wants to explore and understand more about the fascinating world around us.

What is Electricity?

Electricity is an incredible force of nature that is used to power our everyday lives. It’s a type of energy that can cause movement, light, heat, and sound when it flows through certain materials. We can generate electricity using different sources such as solar, wind, fossil fuels, and even water. Electricity has become the lifeblood of modern civilization, powering everything from stoves and lamps to phones and computers. Its power and potential are truly remarkable—it allows us to do work with a level of ease, speed, and accuracy that would not have been possible in past generations!

Difference between Magnetism and Electricity

  • Magnetism and electricity are two phenomena that have widely different effects and origins, although they have some similarities. Magnetism is produced by electric currents, while electricity has no component of magnetism. Magnetism occurs due to the movement of charged particles, while electricity is transmitted through a closed circuit.
  • Magnetism can be both attractive and repulsive, while electricity always flows in one direction. Magnetism influences surrounding objects in a non-contact fashion, while electricity must create physical contact with its target objects to affect them.
  • Both magnetism and electricity are essential features of the universe, underlying many of our everyday conveniences like power outlets or light switches; however, despite their overlap in some cases, it’s best to remember that these two forces originate from two separate concepts.


In a nutshell, electricity is the flow of electrons and magnetism is their resulting behavior. Electricity can exist without magnetism, but magnetism cannot exist without electricity. This is because magnets are created by electric currents.

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