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Difference between Lupus and Sarcoidosis | Lupus vs Sarcoidosis

Difference between Lupus and Sarcoidosis | Lupus vs Sarcoidosis

Lupus vs Sarcoidosis

Difference between lupus and sarcoidosis: – We live in a time when infections have been reduced or eradicated and have ceased to be one of the greatest fears of people, but nature has found other ways to keep the human population under control. Autoimmune diseases are a new type of disease that have been identified in recent decades and are constantly growing.

Difference between lupus and sarcoidosis

The disorders in which the body’s defense system begins to attack its own cells due to a genetic mutation are what are called autoimmune disorders. Examples are rheumatoid arthritis, sarcoidosis, systemic lupus erythematosus, Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, among others.


Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE), commonly known as lupus, is one of those autoimmune diseases that have steadily increased in the last decade. It affects several organs and tissues at the same time, such as the heart, skin, joints, kidneys, nervous system, liver, lungs and blood vessels. On the other hand, sarcoidosis is another autoimmune disease where inflammatory cells get together and granulomas (nodules) form in various tissues throughout the body.

Lupus and sarcoidosis are diseases known for the intermittent nature of their exacerbations. There are periods in which the patient is free of symptoms (remission) followed by severe outbreaks (exacerbations). There is no fixed duration between remission and exacerbation. Sarcoidosis is believed to be a reaction to an old infection that continues even though the infection that originated it has disappeared. Genetics plays an important role in both diseases.

The symptoms of lupus can be seen in all the systems it affects. On the skin we can see eruptions in the form of discs, eruptions in the form of butterflies on the nose and cheeks, hair loss, ulcers in the mouth / nose / vagina. It causes pain in the joints, especially in the small joints of the hands like the knuckles; it is also common to see the wrists with swelling and redness. Joint deformities are rare. Lupus causes anemia, reduces platelets and white blood cells. In addition, it can cause inflammation of the lining of the heart, resulting in pericarditis, endocarditis or myocarditis.

In the lungs, it can cause inflammation of the covering membrane, called pleuritis. Fluid accumulation in the lungs and diffuse inflammation of lung tissue are common. It can damage the kidneys, which leads to loss of protein through the urine and can lead to long-term kidney failure. It can also cause neuropsychiatric symptoms such as seizure disorders, psychosis, anxiety and neurosis.


The sacidosis produces symptoms where the nodules of the cells are formed. The liver, lungs, skin, eyes, brain, heart, and blood may be affected. The lungs are most often affected by nodules and progressive dyspnea due to generalized inflammation in the lung tissue. Enlargement of the lymph nodes, inflammation of the layers of the eye called uveitis, damage to the heart valves, anemia, enlargement of the spleen, pain in the peripheral nerves, hair loss in parts and dry mouth are some of the forms in That this disease manifests itself when it attacks the system. Unlike lupus, this disease rarely affects the joints and the kidneys.

The diagnosis of lupus is made by identifying antibodies called antinuclear antibodies in the blood sample. There is an 11-point WHO criterion, including the signs, symptoms, and blood tests that are needed to confirm SLE. Sarcoidosis is often identified after excluding all other possible conditions. A chest X-ray, computed tomography of the chest, and tissue samples from symptomatic organs are the tests usually used to make a diagnosis.

There is no cure for lupus. Treatment is directed towards palliation and improvement of the quality of life. Analgesics are given for joint pains. Dietary deficiencies are corrected with nutritional supplements. Steroids are often the treatment option to keep exacerbations under control and prevent worsening of the disease. Symptomatic treatment is given for all other symptoms. On the other hand almost 30 – 70% of patients with sarcoidosis need treatment. Observable symptoms are managed using steroids and immunosuppressants such as methotrexate.

Key Differences between Lupus and Sarcoidosis

  • Lupus has deposits of immune complexes, whereas sacsosis has deposits of inflammatory cells that form nodules in the organs.
  • Ambos son incurables y tienen periodos de remision y exacerbaciones, pero contrario al lupus, la sacoidosis rara vez afecta los riñones y articulaciones.
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  • Both are incurable and have periods of remission and exacerbations, but contrary to lupus, sacidosis rarely affects the kidneys and joints.

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