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Difference between Lunar Eclipse and Total Lunar Eclipse

Difference between Lunar Eclipse and Total Lunar Eclipse

Eclipses are astronomical events that occur when one object passes in front of another, as seen from Earth. There are various types of eclipses, but the two most common ones are lunar and solar eclipses. In this blog post, we’ll take a closer look at the difference between a lunar eclipse and a total lunar eclipse. Stay tuned!

What is Lunar Eclipse?

A lunar eclipse occurs when the Moon passes into the Earth’s shadow. This can occur only when the Sun, Earth, and Moon are aligned (in syzygy) exactly, or very closely so, with the Earth in between. A Lunar eclipse can occur only on the night of a Full moon. The type and length of a Lunar eclipse depend on how closely aligned the Sun, Earth, and Moon are. Lunar eclipses can be viewed with the naked eye. Unlike a Solar eclipse, which can be partial and/or total only along a narrow path across Earth’s surface, Lunar eclipses are visible from anywhere on the night side of Earth.

Lunar eclipses do not require any special equipment for safe viewing; however, viewer safety is still important for eclipse watchers. When watching a Lunar eclipse, special care must be taken not to look directly at the Sun during the partial phases of the eclipse, as this can cause serious eye damage or blindness. It is also important to note that Lunar eclipses can be very dangerous for pregnant women and young children, as they can cause miscarriages or birth defects. If you are planning on watching a Lunar eclipse, it is important to take all necessary precautions to ensure your safety.

What is a Total Lunar Eclipse?

A Total Lunar Eclipse occurs when the Earth’s shadow completely covers the Moon. This can only happen when the Sun, Earth, and Moon are aligned perfectly, with the Earth in between. Total Lunar Eclipses are much rarer than Solar Eclipses because the Earth’s shadow is much larger than the Moon. The last Total Lunar Eclipse visible from North America was on January 31, 2018. During a Total Lunar Eclipse, the Moon turns red. This is because some of the sunlight that normally reflects off of the Moon is refracted around the edge of the Earth and casts a red light on the Moon. Total Lunar Eclipses are usually visible from half of the Earth at any given time. The next Total Lunar Eclipse visible from North America will be on May 26, 2021.

Difference between Lunar Eclipse and Total Lunar Eclipse

Lunar Eclipse is when the Earth’s shadow blocks the sun’s light from reaching the moon. This can happen only when the sun, Earth, and moon are aligned. A Lunar Eclipse happens about 2-5 times a year. A Total Lunar Eclipse happens when the whole moon enters Earth’s shadow. This happens about 2-3 times a year. Lunar Eclipse lasts for about an hour, while Total Lunar Eclipse can last for up to 3 hours. Moon will not be visible during Lunar Eclipse, but it will be visible during the Total Lunar Eclipse.

There are three types of Lunar Eclipses: Penumbral Lunar Eclipse, Partial Lunar Eclipse, and Total Lunar Eclipse. A total Lunar Eclipse is when the Earth’s umbra blocks all sunlight from reaching the moon. The Umbra is the darkest part of the Earth’s shadow. A partial Lunar Eclipse is when only part of the sunlight is blocked by the umbra. The penumbral Lunar Eclipse is when the sunlight is only partially blocked by the penumbra (outside of the umbra). The difference between Lunar Eclipse and a Total Lunar Eclipse is that Lunar Eclipse can happen when only part of the sunlight is blocked while a Total Lunar Eclipse requires that all sunlight be blocked. In other words, a Lunar Eclipse


Lunar eclipses are caused when the Earth casts a shadow on the moon. A lunar eclipse can be partial, total, or penumbral. The next total lunar eclipse will be on January 20, 2019, and will be visible in North America, South America, Europe, Africa, and parts of Asia.

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