Difference between Love and Arranged Marriages

Difference between Love and Arranged Marriages

When it comes to marriage, there are two main types: love marriages and arranged marriages. Though both have their pros and cons, there is a big difference between the two. In this blog post, we will explore the difference between love and arranged marriages, and hopefully help you decide which type of marriage is right for you.

What is Love Marriage?

Love marriage is a union between two individuals who are in love with each other. Love marriages are different from arranged marriages, where the couples are typically selected by their families. Love marriages are more common in Western cultures, while arranged marriages are more common in Eastern cultures. Love marriages offer the couples more freedom to choose their own partners, and they often have a stronger emotional bond than arranged marriages. However, love marriages can also be more challenging, as the couples may not have the support of their families. Love marriages require strong communication and commitment to succeed.

What is Arranged Marriage?

Arranged marriage is a type of marriage where the bride and groom are selected by a third party, typically their parents or other close relatives. Arranged marriages have been practiced throughout history and are common in many cultures, particularly in Asia. Arranged marriages are sometimes seen as a way to ensure that couples are compatible and have similar backgrounds and values. In some cases, couples may meet for the first time on their wedding day. Arranged marriages can also help to strengthen familial bonds and maintain cultural traditions. However, arranged marriages can also be controversial, as they may be seen as a form of control or forced marriage. Some couples who are married through arranged marriages may also experience difficulty communicating or establishing intimacy due to the lack of prior relationships.

Difference between Love and Arranged Marriages

Love marriages and arranged marriages both have their own advantages and disadvantages. In a love marriage, the couple usually knows each other very well before getting married and they are more likely to have similar interests and values. This can make for a stronger marriage because the couple is more compatible. However, love marriages can also be more prone to divorce because the couple may not have considered all aspects of their relationship carefully before getting married. Arranged marriages, on the other hand, often involve couples who have not known each other very well before getting married. Arranged marriages can sometimes be less stable than love marriages because the couple may not be as compatible. However, arranged marriages can also be more stable because the couple’s families have usually approved of the match and they may be more invested in making the marriage work. Ultimately, it is up to the couple to decide whether love marriage or an arranged marriage is right for them.


The debate between love and arranged marriages is one that has been around for centuries. While both have their pros and cons, it ultimately comes down to what makes each individual happy. We hope this article has helped you better understand the difference between these two types of marriages and given you a little more insight into which might be right for you.

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