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Difference between Look and Find

Difference between Look and Find

When you are looking for something, what are you doing? You are using your eyes to scan the area in search of something specific. This is called looking. When you find something, you’ve located it; you’ve seen it and identified it. There is a difference between looking and finding. Let’s explore that difference.

What is Look?

Look is a verb that typically indicates the act of seeing or observing something. In many cases, it can be used interchangeably with the word “see.” For example, you might say “I looked at the clouds and saw a rabbit” or “I saw a rabbit in the clouds.” Look can also be used to describe the act of searching for something. For instance, you might say “I looked all over for my keys but couldn’t find them.” In this case, look suggests that you were actively examining your surroundings in an effort to locate something. Look can also be used to indicate that you are paying attention to something or someone.

For example, you might say “look at me when I’m talking to you.” In this usage, look functions as a command telling someone to direct their gaze toward you. Look can also be employed to express surprise or disbelief. For instance, if someone told you they won the lottery, you might reply “you’ve got to be kidding me! Are you sure?” Here, look conveys skepticism and doubt. Finally, look can simply describe someone’s appearance. For example, you might say “he’s got a real tough-guy look about him.” In this usage, look functions as a noun. As you can see, Look is a versatile verb with many different applications. Whatever its use, Look typically signifies some sort of visual examination or attention.

What is Find?

Find verb word meaning is to discover or perceive something that was previously unknown or hidden. It can also be used to identify a particular person or thing from a group of others. Find can also be used to located something that has been misplaced. When used in this way, find often takes the form of “find out.” For example, you might say, “I need to find out the name of the author of this book.” Find is also used in many idiomatic expressions, such as “find fault,” “find favor,” and “find one’s feet.”

Difference between Look and Find

Look and find are both verbs that convey the idea of searching for something. Look generally refers to searching visually, while find implies a more active search. For example, if you’re trying to locate your glasses, you might look around the room until you spot them.

  • On the other hand, if you’re trying to find your car keys, you might have to hunt through your pockets or look in all the places they could be. Look is also often used when there’s a specific object in mind, while find can be used more generally.
  • For instance, you might say “I looked for my phone but I couldn’t find it” even if you don’t remember where you left it. In this case, find implies that the phone is somewhere within reach, whereas if you said “I tried to find my phone” it would suggest that you were looking for it in all possible places, including those that it might not be.
  • Finally, look often suggests searching for something that’s hidden or obstructed from view, while find implies that the thing being sought is readily available. So if you’re looking for your keys under a pile of clothes, you might say “I’m looking for my keys” but if they’re sitting on the table in plain sight, you would say “I found my keys.” Look and find are both common verbs in English, and though they have some similar meanings, it’s important to choose the right one to avoid confusion.


Though the distinction between look and find is subtle, it can be important for understanding customer behavior. By understanding when your customers are looking for your product and when they are finding it, you can create a better user experience and increase sales.

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