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Difference between Locust and Grasshopper

Difference between Locust and Grasshopper

The difference between a locust and a grasshopper may seem slight, but there are key distinctions that set these two insects apart. In this blog post, we’ll explore the differences in their appearance, diet, and life cycles. By understanding the distinctions between these two common types of bugs, you’ll be better equipped to identify them and deal with any potential problems they may cause. So what sets these two pests apart? Let’s take a closer look.

What is Locust?

Locust is a type of grasshopper that is highly migratory. Locusts are found in Africa, Asia, and the Americas. Locusts are herbivorous insects and move in swarms. Locusts can travel up to 150 miles in a day. Locusts reproduce rapidly and can double their population in as little as two weeks. Locusts can cause extensive damage to crops and other vegetation. Locust control measures include the use of pesticides, crop rotation, and the destruction of breeding sites. Locusts are considered a major agricultural pest in many parts of the world.

What is Grasshopper?

The grasshopper is a type of insect that belongs to the suborder Caelifera. Grasshoppers are characterized by their long hind legs, which they use for jumping. They are found in grassy areas all over the world and generally feed on plants. Some species of grasshopper can cause significant damage to crops, and as a result, they are considered to be pests in many parts of the world. In some cultures, however, grasshoppers are considered to be a delicacy and are eaten as food. Grasshoppers are also popular insects in many children’s stories and cartoons.

Difference between Locust and Grasshopper

Locust and grasshoppers are both insects that are part of the suborder Ensifera. Locusts are usually considered to be pests, while grasshoppers are generally considered to be less damaging to crops. Locusts have the ability to fly long distances and can form huge swarms that can devastate crops. Grasshoppers do not typically form swarms and usually only fly short distances. Locusts lay their eggs in the soil, while grasshoppers lay their eggs in plant stems. When conditions are right, locusts can undergo a transformation that allows them to produce large numbers of young very quickly. This population explosion can lead to massive locust swarms that can destroy crops over large areas. Grasshoppers typically have one generation per year and do not undergo this type of population growth.


Grasshoppers and locusts are both types of insects that belong to the order Orthoptera. They have many similarities, but there are also some key differences between these two types of insects. The most obvious difference is their size – locusts are typically much larger than grasshoppers. Locusts also have a more developed pronotum or shield-like structure on the upper part of the thorax. This structure helps protect the neck and head from predators. Grasshoppers do not have this pronounced pronotum. Finally, locusts can change their coloration depending on their surroundings, while grasshoppers always remain green. While there are other distinctions between locusts and grasshoppers,

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