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Difference between Limited Liability Company LLC and Limited Liability Partnership LLP

Difference between Limited Liability Company LLC and Limited Liability Partnership LLP

When starting a business, one of the first decisions to make is what type of entity to form. There are a few different types of business entities, but the two most common are the limited liability company (LLC) and the limited liability partnership (LLP). Both offer limited liability for their owners, but there are some key differences between these two types of entities. In this blog post, we will compare and contrast LLCs and LLPs, so you can decide which is best for your business.

What is Limited Liability Company LLC?

  • A Limited Liability Company LLC is a type of business entity that integrates the benefits of both a limited liability corporation and a partnership. The characteristics of an LLC include members with limited personal liability, pass-through taxation, and the ability to remain flexible when determining how the company should be managed.
  • This type of business structure also allows for members to have limited liability from debts or lawsuits filed against the company. Additionally, members can select flexible management structures, forgo state filing fees, and receive tax deductions for some business expenses.
  • All in all, forming an LLC brings about numerous substantial benefits making it a popular choice among many entrepreneurs looking for an efficient way to organize their businesses.

What is Limited Liability Partnership LLP?

Limited Liability Partnership LLP is a modern type of business partnership that allows partners to protect their personal assets. LLPs are a great option for small businesses who prioritize personal asset protection and flexible structuring options.

  • This innovative form of organization offers its members increased flexibility while providing limited liability protection, enabling them to operate with lower risk and greater freedom.
  • With Limited Liability Partnership LLP, members can partake in the profits generated without worrying about liability related to any debts or losses incurred by the company.
  • This makes them an attractive choice for new entrepreneurs looking for easy startup options or existing partners looking for more protection from their ventures.

Difference between Limited Liability Company LLC and Limited Liability Partnership LLP

  • The primary difference between a Limited Liability Company LLC and a Limited Liability Partnership LLP relates to asset protection, ownership, management roles and taxes. A LLC is structured as an entity distinct from its owners which protects the assets of the business from personal liability for business debts.
  • Owners are only liable for the amount that they have invested in the company. On the other hand, all partners in an LLP are jointly and separately liable for debts up to the amount of their respective investments so there is less asset protection but depending on the agreed upon terms, certain partners may require less financial risk than others.
  • It also allows them to hold different roles such as general or limited partnerships. Finally, while LLCs can choose “pass-through” or corporate taxation treatment, LLPs always use pass-through taxation. By comparing these two entities, one can make an informed decision when determining what structure best meets the business needs.


The key distinction is that an LLC offers its owners limited personal liability for business debts and obligations, while an LLP offers its partners limited personal liability. In addition, an LLC can have any number of members, whereas an LLP must have at least two partners.

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