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Difference between Less Than and Fewer Than

Difference between Less Than and Fewer Than

When do we use less than and when do we use fewer than? This is a question that many people have, and it can be confusing to know which one to use. In this blog post, we will discuss the difference between these two words and how to use them correctly. Stay tuned!

What is Less Than?

Less Than is a word meaning in grammar that indicates something is not as great as something else. For example, if you say “I am less than thrilled with the result,” you are expressing that you are not happy with the outcome. Less Than can also be used to describe physical differences between two things. For instance, if one object is smaller than another, you would say “object A is less than object B.” Less Than is sometimes abbreviated as “<” in mathematical equations. In this context, it indicates that the number on the left side of the symbol is smaller than the number on the right side. For example, 4 < 5 means that 4 is less than 5.

What is Fewer Than?

Fewer Than is a grammar rule that states that when comparing two groups of items, the correct word to use is “fewer” instead of “less.” For example, if someone were to ask how many cookies are left in the jar, and there are ten cookies remaining, the appropriate response would be “There are fewer than 20 cookies left.” This rule also applies when referring to a group of people – if there are 11 people in a room, you would say that there are “fewer than 20 people” in the room, not “less than 20 people.”

The main exception to this rule is when you are discussing quantity, rather than number – in this case, “less” is still the correct word. For example, if someone were to ask how much sugar is left in the sugar bowl, and there is 1/4 cup of sugar remaining, you would say “There is less than 1/2 cup of sugar left.” In general, Fewer Than is a helpful rule to keep in mind when comparing two groups of items, as it will ensure that you are using the correct word.

Difference between Less Than and Fewer Than

Less Than and Fewer Than are two terms that are often confused with one another. Less Than is used when referring to a quantity that is not as much as another quantity. Fewer Than is used when referring to a quantity that is less than another quantity in number. For example, if there are ten students in a classroom and seven of them are girls, then there are fewer girls than boys in the classroom. However, if there are ten students in a classroom and seven of them are boys, then there are less boys than girls in the classroom. Another way to remember the difference between Less Than and Fewer Than is that, Less Than refers to a smaller amount while Fewer Than refers to a smaller number.


In order to correctly use less than and fewer than, it is important to understand the difference between them. Less than is used when referring to numbers, while fewer than is used when referring to things that can be counted. For example, “I have less money than you” would be incorrect because money cannot be counted. However, “ I have fewer dollars than you” would be correct because dollars can be counted. When in doubt, use fewer than for things that can be counted and less than for numbers.

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