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Difference between Left Ventricle and Right Ventricle

Difference between Left Ventricle and Right Ventricle

The ventricles are two of the four chambers in the heart. The right ventricle and left ventricle are responsible for pumping blood to different parts of the body. The right ventricle pumps blood to the lungs, while the left ventricle pumps blood to the rest of the body. The differences between these two chambers can be summed up in three main points: function, location, and size.

What is Left Ventricle?

The Left Ventricle is one of the four chambers of the heart and is responsible for pumping oxygen-rich blood out to the body. The Left Ventricle is larger and thicker than the right ventricle, as it has to pump the blood against gravity. The Left Ventricle is made up of three main parts: the inflow tract, which receives blood from the left atrium; the mid-ventricle, which pumps the blood into the aorta; and the outflow tract, which pushes the blood out of the ventricle. The Left Ventricle is also equipped with a valve, called the aortic valve, which prevents blood from flowing back into the ventricle.

What is Right Ventricle?

The right ventricle is one of four chambers in the human heart. It is located on the right side of the heart and is responsible for pumping blood to the lungs. The right ventricle is a relatively small chamber, and as a result, it has relatively high pressure. The walls of the chamber are thick and muscular, which allows them to contract with enough force to pump blood through the pulmonary artery. The Right Ventricle contracts about 70 times per minute, and each contraction pumps about 70ml of blood into the lungs. The Right Ventricle is an important part of the cardiovascular system, and without it, blood would not be able to reach the lungs for oxygenation.

Difference between Left Ventricle and Right Ventricle

Left Ventricle and Right Ventricle Left ventricle and right ventricle are two types of chambers in the human heart. The left ventricle is responsible for pumping oxygenated blood from the lungs to the rest of the body while the right ventricle pumps deoxygenated blood from the body to the lungs. Left ventricles are larger and thicker than right ventricles because they have to pump blood against a higher pressure. The walls of the left ventricle are also thicker because they have to pump blood a greater distance.

The right ventricle, on the other hand, has thinner walls because it only has to pump blood a short distance. Left ventricles also have stronger muscles than right ventricles because they have to pump blood a greater distance. Left Ventricles also have more valves than right ventricles because they have to prevent the backflow of blood into the lungs. Left Ventricles also have a greater volume of blood than right ventricles because they have to supply oxygenated blood to the entire body. Right Ventricles, on the other hand, only have to supply deoxygenated blood to the lungs.


The left ventricle is the larger and stronger of the two, responsible for pumping oxygenated blood throughout the body. The right ventricle is smaller and weaker, responsible for pumping deoxygenated blood from the rest of the body back to the lungs so that it can be re-oxygenated. Knowing which side does what will help you understand how your heart functions and what could go wrong if one side or the other isn’t working properly.

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