Difference between Knights Of Labor and AFL

Difference between Knights Of Labor and AFL

It can be said that the Knights of Labor and AFL had two different goals in mind. The Knights of Labor wanted all laborers to be united, while the AFL wanted skilled workers to have more power. This caused a rift between the two groups, which ultimately led to the formation of multiple unions.

Who is a Knight Of Labor?

Knights of Labor was the largest and one of the most important American labor organizations of the late 19th century. It was founded in 1869 as a secret society devoted to the protection of workers’ rights and the advancement of their economic and social conditions. The Knights were open to all workers, regardless of skill or trade, and they quickly became a powerful force in the labor movement. The Knights pushed for improved working conditions, higher wages, and an end to child labor. They also advocated for political and social reforms, such as the eight-hour workday and the abolition of slavery. In 1886, the Knights organized a massive strike against several major railroads. The strike was ultimately unsuccessful, and the Knights declined in popularity thereafter. However, the organization left a lasting legacy, and its achievements helped to pave the way for future labor advances.

Who is AFL?

The AFL American Federation of Labor is a trade union that was founded in 1886. It is one of the largest labor organizations in the United States, with over 12 million members. The AFL represents workers in a variety of industries, including manufacturing, construction, and transportation. The AFL is committed to fighting for the rights of workers, and it has played a major role in securing better wages and working conditions for its members. The AFL also participates in political activism and lobbying, in order to promote policies that are favorable to workers. In recent years, the AFL has been active in opposing right-to-work laws and supporting immigrant rights.

Difference between Knights Of Labor and AFL

Knights of Labor and the American Federation of Labor (AFL) were once the two leading labor organizations in the United States. The Knights of Labor, founded in 1869, was a national organization that sought to unite all workers, regardless of skill or trade. The AFL, founded in 1886, was a more exclusive organization that only admitted skilled workers. The Knights of Labor experienced a decline in membership after a series of unsuccessful strikes in the 1880s, and the AFL soon eclipsed it as the leading labor organization in the country. However, the Knights of Labor remained an important force within the labor movement, and its legacy can still be seen in today’s labor unions.


The Knights of Labor was founded in 1869 as a secret society. It aimed to unite all workers and improve their working conditions. The AFL was founded in 1886 as a federation of craft unions. It focused on organizing skilled labor. These two organizations had different goals and methods, which led to their eventual split in 1895.

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