Karate vs. Judo
What is Difference between Judo and Karate: – There are different types of martial arts, each focused on aspects that perhaps are not central to others. Millions of people practice martial arts around the world and they are often seen as something beyond a simple sport or a way of being able to defend themselves against various dangers in the street. For some people the martial arts they practice represent a way to meet them and develop better spiritually.
On another occasion we clarify the difference between karate and taekwondo, but this time we want you to know the difference between judo and karate; so that you understand a little better the world of martial arts.
Difference between Judo and Karate
Although karate was developed on the island of Okinawa (when it belonged to China), it is often regarded as a Japanese invention. In its origins this martial art was called Tou Te (Tou = china, Te = hand), but when it was introduced to Japan the word Tou was changed to kara meaning “empty” or “open.”
In karate, both kicks and punches play an important role and are used in a balanced way. In karate, we try to keep the opponent in the middle distance, to take better advantage when deciding to take the impulse to throw the blows.
On the other hand, judo (martial art of Japanese origin), whose name could be translated as “smooth road” or “gentle way”; is concentrated above all on defense.
In addition, judo is used to attack and launch techniques to push or pull the opponent and take it out of balance, thus getting the opponent to fall to the ground.
Judo practitioners put an emphasis on throwing the opponent to the ground and while fighting always seek the opportunity to achieve. Unlike karate, in this case, the distance between opponents is much shorter. Finally, judo is often more recommended than karate for those who wish to start practicing a martial art.