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Difference between JSP and JavaScript

Difference between JSP and JavaScript

JavaScript and JSP scripts are both programming languages used to create functionality on web pages. However, they are actually quite different. JavaScript is a client-side language that runs in the user’s browser. JSP, on the other hand, is a server-side language that runs on the webserver. This makes JavaScript more suitable for small tasks such as form validation, while JSP is better for larger projects that require more complex logic.

What is JSP?

JSP, or JavaServer Pages, is a programming language that helps developers create dynamic web pages. JSP is based on the Java platform and uses Java servlets to process requests from web browsers. JSP pages are compiled into Java servlets and then executed by a web server. JSP provides a convenient way to embed bits of Java code in HTML pages. JSP pages are also easy to maintain because they can be modified without needing to recompile the servlet.

JSP is an efficient way to create dynamic web content and is used by many large websites. JSP is a versatile language that can be used for  a variety of tasks such as generating HTML code, interacting with databases, and creating cookies. JSP pages are typically stored in a /JSP/ directory on a web server. JSP pages have a .jsp extension and can be created using any text editor.

What is JavaScript?

JavaScript is a programming language that enables developers to create interactive web pages. JavaScript code can be added to any web page to provide functionality such as dynamically updated content, user input validation, and animated graphics. JavaScript is typically used alongside HTML and CSS to create modern web applications.

While JavaScript code can be written directly into HTML files, it is typically stored in external JavaScript files. This separation of concerns helps to keep the code clean and organized. JavaScript is a powerful language that allows developers to create truly amazing web applications. There are many JavaScript libraries and frameworks available that make development even easier.

Difference between JSP and JavaScript

JSP is a technology that is used to create web pages that are based on the Java platform. JSP technology allows you to embed Java code in HTML pages, which makes it easy to create dynamic content for your website. JavaScript is a programming language that is used to create interactive websites. JavaScript code can be embedded in HTML pages, and it can also be used to create stand-alone applications.

While JSP is used primarily for creating web pages, JavaScript can be used for both web development and creating stand-alone applications. JSP pages are compiled into Java bytecode, which makes them faster to execute than JavaScript code. However, JavaScript code is typically more portable than JSP code, since it can run on any web browser that supports JavaScript.


If you are still confused about the difference between JSP and JavaScript, don’t worry. It can be confusing at first. But once you understand the basics, it will be easier to see how each language can benefit your web development projects. We hope this article has helped clear up some of the confusion and given you a better understanding of how these two languages work.

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