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Difference between Japanese and Chinese Eyes

Difference between Japanese and Chinese Eyes

Both Japanese and Chinese individuals have noticeable differences in the appearance of their eyes when compared to those of other ethnicities. While some people may think that these distinctions are purely cosmetic, it has been shown that there are actually some very real anatomical differences between East Asian eyes and other varieties. In this post, we will take a closer look at these distinctions, and explore the reasons behind them.

What are Japanese Eyes?

Japanese Eyes are a type of decorative contact lens that is popular in East Asia.

  • The lenses have a black or dark brown rim around the edge of the iris, which gives the appearance of larger, wider eyes. Japanese Eyes are usually made from synthetic materials such as silicone or hydrogen peroxide, which are safe for use in the eye.
  • The lenses are worn for cosmetic reasons and do not have any vision-correcting properties. Japanese Eyes are available in a variety of styles, including round, cat-eye, and heart-shaped. Some Japanese Eye designs also include circles or other patterns within the black rim.
  • Japanese Eyes are typically sold in pairs and can be worn for up to two weeks at a time. They must be removed daily for cleaning and should be stored in a clean, dry place when not in use. Japanese Eyes are a popular way to change your appearance, but it is important to consult with an eye doctor before using them. Improperly fitting or cleaning contact lenses can cause serious eye problems.

What are Chinese Eyes?

Chinese Eyes, or “Epicanthic Folds”, are a facial feature that is commonly found in people of Chinese and other East Asian descent.

  • The Chinese Eyes occur when the skin of the upper eyelid covers the inner corner of the eye, creating a fold. Chinese Eyes can be either congenital, meaning that a person is born with them, or they can be acquired later in life.
  • Chinese Eyes are thought to have originated in cold, dry climates where they offered protection against wind and snow. In recent years, Chinese Eyes have become increasingly popular as a cosmetic surgery procedure, as they are thought to give the face a more youthful appearance.
  • Whether you were born with Chinese Eyes or you choose to have them surgically added, they are sure to add an exotic touch to your appearance.

Difference between Japanese and Chinese Eyes

Japanese and Chinese eyes are typically wider and more almond-shaped than the eyes of people from other cultures.

  • Japanese and Chinese eyes also tend to be darker, due to higher melanin content in the iris. Some people believe that Japanese and Chinese eyes are more expressive than the eyes of people from other cultures, due to the larger size and shape of the eyes.
  • Additionally, Japanese and Chinese culture places a high value on eye contact, which may contribute to the perception that Japanese and Chinese eyes are more expressive.
  • Though there are some similarities between Japanese and Chinese eyes, there are also significant differences.
  • For example, Japanese people tend to have higher eyelids, while Chinese people tend to have lower eyelids. Additionally, the inner corners of Japanese eyes are typically closer together than the inner corners of Chinese eyes.

These physical differences can help to distinguish between Japanese and Chinese people, even without understanding the cultural context.


Though the study was small and more research is needed, it provides an interesting perspective on a potential difference in how East Asian cultures view the world.

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