Difference between Ipv4 and Ipv6

Difference between Ipv4 and Ipv6


Are you curious about the difference between IPv4 and IPv6? Both of these IP addresses play important roles in how we use the internet, but they are different in a few ways. In this blog post, we’ll take a closer look at both of these IP address types and explain some of the differences between them. Stay tuned!

What is Ipv4?

Ipv4 is the fourth revision of the Internet Protocol and it is the most common protocol in use today. Ipv4 addresses are 32-bit numbers that are typically written as four decimal values, separated by periods. Ipv4 is the only version of the Internet Protocol that is still in widespread use, although it is being replaced by Ipv6 in some areas. Ipv4 has a number of advantages over Ipv6, including backwards compatibility and a larger address space. However, Ipv6 has several advantages over Ipv4, including a much larger address space and a simpler header format. Ipv4 will eventually be phased out completely, but it will remain in use for many years to come.

What is Ipv6?

Ipv6 is the most recent version of the Internet Protocol, and it was designed to address the problem of Ipv4 address exhaustion. Ipv6 uses a 128-bit address, which allows for a vastly increased number of unique addresses. Ipv6 also includes a number of other features, such as improved security and support for Quality of Service. Ipv6 is currently in the process of being deployed on a global scale, and it is expected that it will eventually replace Ipv4 entirely.

Difference between Ipv4 and Ipv6

Ipv4 and Ipv6 are two types of internet protocol (IP) addresses. Ipv4 is the most common type of IP address, and it uses a 32-bit numbering system. Ipv6 is the successor to Ipv4, and it uses a 128-bit numbering system. Ipv6 addresses are not compatible with Ipv4 addresses. This means that Ipv6-only devices cannot communicate with Ipv4-only devices. Ipv6 was developed to solve the problem of address exhaustion that will eventually occur with Ipv4. Ipv6 also has several other benefits over Ipv4, including better security, autoconfiguration, and support for mobility. However, Ipv4 is still widely used and is likely to remain in use for many years to come.


The internet is evolving and so are the protocols that make it up. IPV6 is the new protocol designed to replace IPv4 and offers a number of improvements. However, because it is not backward compatible with IPv4, both protocols will need to be used concurrently for some time. How long this transition will take is anyone’s guess, but businesses should start planning now for when they will need to support IPv6 traffic.

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