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Difference between Internal Audit and External Audit

Difference between Internal Audit and External Audit

If you’re thinking of pursuing a career in accounting, you’ll need to know the difference between internal and external audits. Internal audits are conducted by employees of the company, while external audits are conducted by an independent third party. External audits provide a higher level of assurance because they’re less likely to be biased. They’re also more likely to discover problems and irregularities. If you want to work in accounting, it’s important to understand the differences between internal and external audits so you can choose the right path for you.

What is Internal Audit?

  • Internal audit is an independently conducted evaluation of an organization’s Internal controls, financial reporting, and compliance with laws and regulations. Internal audits are conducted by Internal auditors who are employees of the organization being audited.
  • Internal audit is a control function that helps organizations achieve their objectives by providing independent assurance that Internal controls are effective and adequate.
  • Internal audit also provides consulting services to management on how to improve Internal controls and business processes. The goal of Internal audit is to ensure that the organization is operating effectively, efficiently, and in compliance with laws and regulations. Internal audit is an important part of an organization’s overall risk management program.

What is External Audit?

  • External audit is conducted by an independent body to verify the accuracy of an organization’s financial statements. The purpose of an external audit is to give stakeholders assurance that the statements have been prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) and accurately reflect the organization’s financial position.
  • External audits are conducted on a yearly basis, and the results are reported in an audit report. An unqualified opinion indicates that the financial statements are free from material misstatements, while a qualified opinion indicates that there are some minor concerns with the statements. External audits are an important part of maintaining credibility with investors and other stakeholders.

Difference between Internal Audit and External Audit

  • Internal audit and external audit are two types of audits that are often confused. An internal audit is an evaluation of a company’s financial and operational controls by employees of the company.
  • External audit, on the other hand, is an evaluation of a company’s financial statements by an independent third party. Both types of audits are important, but they serve different purposes.
  • Internal audits are typically conducted on a regular basis, while external audits are usually conducted once a year. Internal audits are used to assess risk and identify potential problems, while external audits are used to provide assurance that a company’s financial statements are accurate. As a result, both internal and external audits play an important role in ensuring the accuracy and transparency of a company’s financial reports.


The next time you’re auditing your business, remember the key differences between internal and external audits. An internal audit is conducted by employees of the company being audited while an external audit is conducted by an outside firm. Internal audits are more flexible and can be tailored to meet specific needs, but they may not be as comprehensive as an external audit. External audits are more rigorous and often include a review of financial statements, but they can be expensive. By understanding the difference between these two types of audits, you can choose the right one for your business needs.

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