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Difference between Inference and Prediction

Difference between Inference and Prediction

Inference Vs. Prediction

What is the Difference between Inference and Prediction: – When we read, form judgments, listen to the judgments of others or observe a phenomenon,

it is very important to understand the message beyond what one wants or does not believe.

In all this, there are two elements that need to be taken into consideration: inference and prediction.

Difference between Inference and Prediction

If you do not know the difference between Inference and Prediction, then continue reading because then we explain it to you.

For Further Reading: Hypothesis vs. Prediction


An inference is to draw conclusions about something from observations and evidence of phenomena.

Such evidence serves to lead people to a reasonable conclusion that can be explained and sustained.

Some examples of inferences may be as follows:

  • The ice melts if heated.
  • State that there is fire, after seeing smoke.
  • You get the orange color when you combine red and yellow.

As you can see, the inference is to follow a logical process in which elements previously known by us are joined.

This does not bring new knowledge, we work with the one we already have.


On the other hand, predictions are often assumptions that are not necessarily supported by evidence or sustained in very little.

In this sense, it is important to mention that for science prediction plays a relevant role and it is usually based on evidence (but this is an exceptional case).

In a general sense, predictions can interfere with the subjective aspects of individuals

and also some false knowledge that certain people might consider to be true and valid.

Predictions can be precise or not, but in many cases, the precision of the predictions is only a result of luck.

Some examples of prediction could be the following:

  • You see a book with a nice little cover and you affirm that the content is bad.
  • You are playing face-to-face with a friend and you say it will come out face.
  • In your observation you see deforestation has increased and you affirm that by year X there will be no tree left on the planet.

Finally, remember that when we speak of prediction in the scientific field is different from what is generally understood by prediction in the general sense.

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