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Difference Between IEnumerable and IEnumerator

Difference Between IEnumerable and IEnumerator

Not sure what’s the difference between an IEnumerable and an IEnumerator? If so, you’re not alone – this is a common source of confusion for many .Net developers. In addition to being two very similar-sounding concepts, they have overlapping functionalities that make it hard to tell them apart. But understanding these core .Net interfaces will give you insight into some of its most powerful features as well as unlocking greater control over your codebase. In this blog post we will break down what each one does and why it matters when writing C# code. Read on to become better acquainted with IEnumerable and IEnumerator!

What is IEnumerable?

IEnumerable is a set of objects representing a collection of items, usually defined by using LINQ queries in C#. IEnumerable is an interface for working with collections of items and allows users to search through collections, provide easy access to list operations like sorting or filtering, and efficiently process all data within the collection.

IEnumerable is a crucial part of LINQ, as it enables data sources or entities to be queried. IEnumerable makes manipulating data very simple, as users can easily iterate over each item within the collection. IEnumerable can be used with multiple other classes and interfaces to further create complex solutions to any issue. IEnumerable is an essential tool for anyone looking to efficiently work with lists of objects.

What is IEnumerator?

IEnumerator is a powerful, generic interface that provides a mechanism for iteration over collections of objects, such as an array or list. IEnumerator supports iterative access to the elements of a collection and allows you to move forward and backward through the items. IEnumerator is helpful when accessing element values in periods where order matters during operations.

IEnumerator also facilitates efficient coding practices in that it enables developers to write code that can work with any collection which implements IEnumerator’s set of rules and interfaces. IEnumerator helps allow for development time savings with flexibility and simplicity, stronger typing when referencing large collections, and improved performance due to IEnumerator’s for each loop method.

Difference Between IEnumerable and IEnumerator

IEnumerable and IEnumerator are both important interfaces when it comes to determining how data is handled in C#.

  • IEnumerable is a more generic interface and is used when you have a collection of objects that you want to iterate through.
  • IEnumerator, on the other hand, can be more specific and provides more capabilities such as the ability to add elements while the iteration occurs, rewinding or resetting the iteration at any point, or looping items several times.
  • IEnumerable is better suited for when you need to only view data without modifying it, but IEnumerator can provide great control over how that data is viewed or modified within an application.

While IEnumerable may seem like a better choice at first due to its simplicity, IEnumerator’s superior functionality cannot be overlooked when tackling complex operations with data.


IEnumerable is basically a read-only interface that you can use to loop through the data collection while IEnumerator gives you more control on how you want to loop through the data. In order to understand the difference between these two interfaces, it is important to understand what an Interface is. An interface in C# is like a contract. It defines what all methods a class implementing this interface should have. In addition to that, it also defines all properties or events the class must have. By definition, an Interface cannot contain any implementation of the members it defines i.e. an Interface cannot provide any concrete implementation of its members.”

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