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Difference between Hypomania and Mania

Difference between Hypomania and Mania

There is a big difference between hypomania and mania. Mania is a more severe form of bipolar disorder, whereas hypomania is a less severe form. In general, people with mania experience more extreme symptoms than those with hypomania. Mania can cause impairment in work, social, and family functioning, while hypomania usually does not. It is important to be able to distinguish between these two conditions, as they require different treatments.

What is Hypomania?

A hypomania is a mild form of mania that is characterized by periods of elevated mood and increased energy. While symptoms can be similar to those of mania, they are typically less severe and do not interfere with daily functioning. Hypomania can occur in people with bipolar disorder and may be triggered by factors such as sleep deprivation or stress.

Symptoms may include grandiose thinking, excessive talking, decreased need for sleep, and impulsive behavior. Although hypomania can be a pleasurable experience, it can also lead to risky behaviors such as spending sprees, promiscuity, and substance abuse. As a result, it is important to seek treatment if symptoms begin to interfere with personal relationships or everyday life.

What is Mania?

  • Mania is a state of mind characterized by intense feelings of happiness, energy, and excitement. People in a state of mania often feel like they can accomplish anything and may behave recklessly.
  • Mania can occur as a symptom of psychiatric disorders such as bipolar disorder or schizophrenia, but it can also be triggered by drug use or sleep deprivation. While mania can be enjoyable at first, it often leads to risky behaviors and eventually leads to a state of exhaustion.
  • For this reason, it is important for people who experience mania to seek professional help in order to prevent the negative consequences that can result from this condition.

Difference between Hypomania and Mania

Hypomania and mania are both abnormal states of mind characterized by abnormally high levels of energy and activity. Hypomania is less severe than mania, and people with hypomania may be able to function relatively normally. Mania, on the other hand, is a much more serious condition that can lead to psychosis and hallucinations. People with mania may also be at risk of hurting themselves or others. Hypomania and mania are both treated with medication and therapy.


It is important to be able to differentiate between hypomania and mania because the two can have very different outcomes. Mania can lead to a full-blown psychotic episode, while hypomania is less severe and may not require any treatment. If you are unsure of whether someone’s behavior is due to hypomania or mania, it is best to seek professional help.

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