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Difference between Human and Neanderthal

Difference between Human and Neanderthal

When most people think of Neanderthals, they imagine a primitive ancestor that was dumb and slow. However, recent evidence suggests that this view is inaccurate. In fact, Neanderthals may have been as advanced as modern humans, if not more so. This has led to questions about the difference between human and Neanderthal behavior and intelligence. Were Neanderthals really just dumb brutes, or were they something else entirely? The truth may never be fully known, but recent discoveries are shedding new light on this ancient species.

Who is Human?

A human is defined as any individual of the genus Homo, especially a member of the species Homo sapiens. A human being is distinguished from other animals by his or her ability to think and reason, as well as by his or her capacity for abstract thought, empathy, and self-awareness. Human beings are also unique in their ability to create and use complex tools and language. The capacity for reason and abstract thought is what sets human beings apart from other animals and makes us the dominant species on Earth.

This capacity has allowed us to create civilizations and develop technologies that have greatly increased our chances of survival. It has also given us the ability to understand and appreciate beauty, art, and music. In short, the defining characteristic of human beings is our capacity for rational thought. This capacity gives us the ability to thrive in virtually any environment and to adapt to changing circumstances. It is what makes us truly human.

Who is Neanderthal?

Neanderthal is the common name for a member of the extinct Homo neanderthalensis species, who lived in Europe and Asia during the Middle Pleistocene Epoch. Neanderthals are distinguished from other hominins by their large brains, distinctively shaped skulls, and robust bodies. Neanderthals are believed to have been the first humans to use fire and create art.

They were also proficient hunters, using a variety of sophisticated tools and weapons. Neanderthals disappeared from the fossil record roughly 40,000 years ago, although it is unclear whether they went extinct or simply assimilated into other human populations. Neanderthals remain one of the most studied groups of prehistoric humans, and their legacy continues to fascinate scholars and laypeople alike.

Difference between Human and Neanderthal

Humans and Neanderthal are two closely related species. The main difference between Human and Neanderthal is that Human is still alive while Neanderthal went extinct about 40,000 years ago. Another major difference between Human and Neanderthal is that Human has a larger brain than Neanderthal. The human also has a more advanced culture than the Neanderthal. Finally, Human is more adapted to living in hot climates than Neanderthal. Neanderthal was better adapted to living in cold climates. These are the major differences between humans and Neanderthals.


Neanderthals were a different species of human that went extinct about 40,000 years ago. They are most well-known for their large brow ridges and protruding jawbones. Recent studies have shown that they may have also been more intelligent than previously thought, with some abilities in language and problem-solving. However, the biggest difference between Neanderthals and modern humans is that Neanderthals did not bury their dead or use tools to modify their environment.

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