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Difference between House and Senate

Difference between House and Senate

The House of Representatives and Senate are two of the most important institutions in the United States government. Despite their similarities, there are some key differences between them. This blog post will explore those differences. Specifically, we will look at how members are elected, what they can do, and how much power they have. We will also discuss the role of each chamber in the legislative process. By understanding these differences, you can better understand how our government works.

What is House?

The House of Representatives is one of the two institutions of the United States Congress, along with the Senate. It is responsible for passing federal laws and overseeing the government’s spending. Every state is represented in the House, and each member serves a two-year term. The House is led by the Speaker of the House, who is elected by the members. The House also has several committees that handle different areas of government, such as foreign affairs or appropriations. The House of Representatives was established by the Constitution in 1789.

What is Senate?

Senate is the legislature of the United States of America which, along with the House of Representatives, composes Congress. The Senate includes 100 Senators, 2 for each state. Senate terms are 6 years long, and there is no limit to the number of terms a Senator may serve. Each Senate term is staggered so that only 1/3rd of Senate seats are up for election every 2 years. This makes it difficult for any one party to have a majority in the Senate, which encourages bipartisanship and compromise.

The Senate is responsible for confirming presidential appointments to executive and judicial branch positions, as well as ratifying treaties. Senate leaders also play an important role in shaping legislation before it goes to a vote by the full Senate. The Senate has a long history dating back to the founding of the United States, and it plays an important role in our government today.

Difference between House and Senate

The House and Senate are the two chambers of Congress. The House is composed of 435 members, while the Senate has 100. Each state has a certain number of members in the House based on population, while each state has two Senators. The House and Senate have different roles in our government. The House is responsible for introducing legislation, while the Senate is responsible for ratifying treaties and confirming presidential appointments. Senators serve stronger terms than House members and thus are less responsive to public opinion. The House is more likely to pass bills that are popular with the public, but the Senate is more likely to pass bills that are supported by special interests. As a result, each chamber plays an important role in our government.


The House and the Senate are two different parts of the United States government with different responsibilities. The House is responsible for passing laws, while the Senate confirms presidential nominees and ratifies treaties. Understanding the difference between these two branches of government is important for all citizens.

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