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Difference between Hominids and Hominoids

Difference between Hominids and Hominoids

In this blog post, we’ll dive deep into understanding the differences between hominids and hominoids. You may have heard of these terms before but don’t really understand their meaning – no worries! We will break down all the complex information into understandable pieces for you to grasp. By the time you’re done reading this post, not only will you know exactly what sets hominids and hominoids apart from each other but also have an appreciation for how important evolutionary principles are in our world today. Let’s get started!

What are Hominids?

  • Hominids are the family of primates which includes all species that are anatomically modern humans, extinct human species, and their immediate ancestors.
  • Hominids are believed to have evolved from gibbon- or ape-like primates in Africa some six million years ago before spreading across the world over the course of several million years.
  • Hominin fossils first began appearing around 2.8 million years ago during the Pleistocene, with Homo sapiens emerging at least 300,000 years ago. Hominid species vary in their anatomy and behavior, but all have opposable thumbs, complex language ability, and a larger brain than other primates. Hominids continue to evolve even today with new research providing a greater understanding of our evolutionary history.

What are Hominoids?

Hominoids are a subfamily of primates consisting of the family Hominidae, including the great apes, such as gorillas, chimpanzees, and humans. Hominoids are characterized by their bipedalism and increased neocortical development; they are among the most intelligent group of primates in terms of problem-solving abilities.

Hominoids have an instinctive sense of improvisation and combine hand movements with vocalizations to communicate effectively. Hominoid intelligence has enabled them to develop complex tools that secured their survival throughout evolution; today it allows them to build cities, cultivate knowledge, and explore the universe beyond our planet. Hominoids represent one of the most fascinating elements of nature’s evolutionary accomplishments.

Difference between Hominids and Hominoids

  • Hominids and Hominoids are both types of hominoids, but they have some distinct differences. Hominids are an exclusively human lineage as they include bipedal primates including extinct species of primitive human forms, while Hominoids also include the gibbons and great apes.
  • Hominids typically have a larger brain than Hominoids, which helps to explain why Hominids are so much more advanced than Hominoids in terms of culture and tool use.
  • On the other hand, Hominoid species are typically able to climb trees more easily than Hominids, something that was incredibly important for their ancestors’ lifestyle. Hominoids can be seen as a general term in which Hominids are a subset species.


Hominids are a subset of hominoids that includes all great apes and humans. Hominoids, on the other hand, include all simians—which are monkeys, tarsiers, lemurs, and lorises—and any extinct group that is more closely related to simians than to any other living mammals. Hominoids include both extant (living) and extinct groups. The four main differences between these two terms have been outlined for you above.

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