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Difference between Holy Ghost and Holy Spirit

Difference between Holy Ghost and Holy Spirit

The terms “holy ghost” and “holy spirit” are often used interchangeably, but they actually refer to two different things. The holy ghost is the third person of the Trinity, while the holy spirit is a term that refers to God’s power or presence. This can be confusing for some people, so let’s take a closer look at the difference between these two terms.

What is Holy Ghost?

The Holy Ghost is a personage of spirit who bears witness to the Father and the Son and is responsible for guiding, sanctifying, and teaching us. He is also known as the Holy Spirit. He operates under the direction of the Father and the Son When we receive the Holy Ghost, we receive power to overcome temptations and to do good works. We are also promised that the Spirit will be with us always. The gift of the Holy Ghost is available to all who repent and are baptized in Christ’s name.

What is Holy Spirit?

Holy Spirit is the third person of the Trinity. He is co-equal with the Father and the Son. Holy Spirit is a divine Person who reveals, sanctifies, and guides the Church. He also bestows spiritual gifts and comforts believers and convicts of sin. Holy Spirit was active in creation and restoration. In the Old Testament, he manifested himself as wind, fire, and a dove. Holy Spirit descended upon Jesus at his baptism and anointed him for his ministry. Holy Spirit empowers believers for service and fills them with joy. He also gives them wisdom, knowledge, and understanding.

Holy Spirit intercedes for believers and prays for them according to God’s will. Holy Spirit sanctifies believers and makes them into temples of the Holy Spirit. He also Seals them until the day of redemption. Holy Spirit gives gifts to believers to equip them for ministry. These gifts are given for the common good of the Body of Christ. Holy Spirit is our helper, comforter, guide, and counselor.

Difference between Holy Ghost and Holy Spirit

The terms Holy Ghost and Holy Spirit are often used interchangeably, but there is a subtle difference between the two. The Holy Spirit is a divine presence that is active in the world, whereas the Holy Ghost is more of a supernatural force. Both are considered to be part of the Trinity, but the Holy Spirit is generally considered to be more closely associated with God the Father, while the Holy Ghost is more closely associated with Jesus Christ.

In terms of their functions, the Holy Spirit helps to guide and protect believers, while the Holy Ghost is more of a powerful force that can be invoked for miracles and other supernatural acts. Ultimately, both are considered to be expressions of the one God, and both play an important role in Christian belief.


The Holy Ghost and the Holy Spirit are often thought of as one and the same, but they are actually different entities. The Holy Ghost is a spirit that dwells in all believers, while the Holy Spirit is the third person of the Trinity who was sent to Earth to guide and empower Christians. Understanding these distinctions can help you better understand your faith and how to connect with God’s spirit.

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