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Difference between Hindu and Buddhist Meditation

Difference between Hindu and Buddhist Meditation

There are many different types of meditation, and people often wonder how Hindu and Buddhist meditation differ. The answer is that the two practices have different goals in mind. Hindu meditation seeks to connect with the divine, while Buddhist meditation strives for personal enlightenment. However, both practices share some commonalities, such as using mindful breathing to focus the mind. Ultimately, it is up to the individual which type of meditation he or she prefers.

What is Hindu Meditation?

Hindu Meditation is a process of self-realization that Hindus use to connect with their innermost being. Hindu Meditation has many different techniques, but all aim to still the mind and allow the practitioner to access a higher state of consciousness. In Hindu Meditation, the practitioner may focus on a mantra, or sacred sound, visualize divine images, or simply observe the breath. The goal of Hindu Meditation is to still the mind and body so that the practitioner can connect with the Divine within. Hindu Meditation is a powerful tool for self-transformation and can lead to greater peace, happiness, and wisdom.

What is Buddhist Meditation?

Buddhist meditation is a form of mental training that is designed to develop mindfulness and compassion. The goal of Buddhist meditation is to enable practitioners to see the world more clearly and to act with wisdom and kindness.

There are many different types of Buddhist meditation, but all involve some form of mindfulness practice. This can involve focusing on the breath, on bodily sensations, or on a mantra or phrase.

Buddhist meditation is often practiced in silence, but it can also be done while walking, eating, or engaging in other activities. By practicing Buddhist meditation regularly, it is possible to develop deeper insight, greater clarity of mind, and a more compassionate attitude.

Difference between Hindu and Buddhist Meditation

Hindu and Buddhist meditation are both Practices that aim to promote inner peace, However, they differ in their approach.

  • Hindu meditation typically focuses on the repetition of a mantra, which is a word or phrase that is repeated over and over.
  • The mantra is thought to help still the mind and allow the meditator to connect with the divine.
  • Buddhist meditation, on the other hand, often involves focusing on the breath.
  • This helps the practitioner to become more aware of the present moment and to let go of thoughts that cause suffering.

While Hindu and Buddhist meditation shares some commonalities, their different approaches can offer different benefits.


With this understanding of the two different types of meditation, you can choose the one that is best for you. If you are looking for a way to focus and calm your mind, Hindu meditation may be a good choice for you. If you are looking to gain insight into your subconscious mind or deal with difficult emotions, Buddhist meditation may be better suited for you. Whichever type of meditation you choose, make sure to practice regularly and stick with it – the benefits will soon become apparent.

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