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Difference between Hierarchical Database and Relational Database

Difference between Hierarchical Database and Relational Database

There are two main types of databases: hierarchical and relational. Hierarchical databases are older and less common than relational databases, but they still have some advantages. In this blog post, we’ll explain the difference between these two types of databases and highlight the pros and cons of each. Let’s get started!

What is a Hierarchical Database?

  • A Hierarchical Database is a type of database where data is organized into a hierarchical structure. In a Hierarchical Database, there is a single root node, and each child node has only one parent node.
  • This structure is similar to a family tree, with the root node representing the family, and the child nodes representing the individual members of the family. Hierarchical Databases are typically used to store information about relationships between entities.
  • For example, a Hierarchical Database could be used to store information about an organization’s employees, with the root node representing the organization, and the child nodes representing the individual employees. Hierarchical Databases are easy to understand and use, but they can be inefficient when it comes to storing large amounts of data.

What is a Relational Database?

Relational databases are a type of database that store data in tables. Tables are similar to folders in a file system, where each table stores a collection of information.

  • Relational databases are different from other types of databases, such as hierarchical databases and object-oriented databases, because they allow relationships to be created between data in different tables.
  • For example, a relational database might have a table for customers and a table for orders. The customer table would contain information about each customer, such as their name and address.
  • The orders table would contain information about each order, such as the customer’s name, the order date, and the amount of the order.

By creating relationships between the customer and orders tables, the database can easily retrieve all of the orders for a particular customer. Relational databases are very powerful and are used by many businesses to store their data.

Difference between Hierarchical Database and Relational Database

Hierarchical databases are organized in a strict tree-like structure, with each record having a single parent.

  • In contrast, relational databases allow any record to be linked to multiple other records.
  • As a result, relational databases are more flexible and easier to query than hierarchical databases.
  • Hierarchical databases are typically used for applications where data is not expected to change frequently, such as inventory management systems.

Relational databases are better suited for applications where data is constantly changing, such as customer relationship management systems.


Hierarchical databases are less popular today as relational databases have taken over the market. However, hierarchical databases can still be useful in specific cases. If you need to store data that is arranged in a hierarchy, a hierarchical database may be the best option for you. Otherwise, a relational database is likely to be more suitable.

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