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Difference between Heat and Emergency Heat

Difference between Heat and Emergency Heat

What is the difference between heat and emergency heat? Most people don’t know the answer to this question, even though it’s an important one. In this blog post, we’ll explain the difference between these two types of heating and provide some tips on how to stay warm during a power outage. Stay safe and warm!

What is Heat?

  • Heat is a form of energy that flows from hotter objects to cooler objects. It can be generated by friction, like when you rub your hands together, or by chemical reactions, like when you light a match. Heat can also be produced by the Sun, and it can be absorbed and released by living things. Heat always flows from warmer objects to cooler objects, until both objects reach the same temperature.
  • This process is called thermal equilibrium. Heat flow can be measured in terms of temperature change, and it is usually expressed in units of joules per second (J/s) or watts (W). Heat transfer can occur through three different mechanisms: conduction, convection, and radiation. Conduction is the transfer of heat between two objects that are in direct contact with each other. Convection is the transfer of heat between a solid object and a moving fluid, such as air or water.
  • Radiation is the transfer of heat through electromagnetic waves, such as infrared waves (IR). All three mechanisms are at work whenever heat is transferred from one place to another. Heat plays a vital role in many natural processes and is essential for life itself. It also has many practical applications, from cooking food to powering cars.

What is Emergency Heat?

Emergency Heat is a mode on a heat pump that some people mistakenly use as their default heating setting. Emergency Heat is 100% electric resistance heat and is the most expensive way to heat your home. So, if you are switching your thermostat to Emergency Heat this winter, make sure you know what you’re doing! Emergency Heat should only be used when absolutely necessary, such as when your heat pump isn’t working or during a power outage.

Difference between Heat and Emergency Heat

Heat and Emergency Heat are two different settings on a thermostat that serve different purposes. Heat is the setting used when you want your home to be at a specific, comfortable temperature. Emergency Heat, on the other hand, is used when your heat pump is not working properly and you need auxiliary heat to keep your home warm. Heat pumps are very efficient in moderate climates, but they can struggle in extremely cold weather. When this happens, the emergency heat setting will kick in to provide additional heat.

As its name suggests, emergency heat should only be used in emergency situations. Running your thermostat in emergency heat mode for extended periods of time can be very costly and may damage your heat pump. If you find yourself using emergency heat frequently, it’s a good idea to have your heat pump serviced by a professional.


There are two types of heating systems that people use in their homes – heat and emergency heat. While both do the same job, there are some key distinctions between these two systems. In this post, we’ve outlined the differences between emergency heat and regular heat so you can make an informed decision about which system is best for your home.

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