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Difference between Head Of State and Head Of Government

Difference between Head Of State and Head Of Government

In many democracies, there is a clear distinction between the head of state and the head of government. The head of state is typically a ceremonial role, while the head of government is responsible for setting and implementing policy. This article will explore the differences between these two roles.

What is a Head Of State?

Head of the state is a term used in constitutional law to refer to the chief public representative of a nation-state, federation or commonwealth. In some nations, the head of state is a ceremonial figurehead with limited or no executive power, while in others, the head of state is the chief executive.

  • The concept of Head of State can also be applied to a subnational entity such as a province, state, city or borough. In federal states like the United States, Canada and Switzerland, the Head of State may be the federal President, while in unitary states like France and Italy, it may be the Prime Minister.
  • In parliamentary democracies like the United Kingdom and India, Head of State may be the titular monarch (e.g. Queen Elizabeth II) while the actual executive power lies with Head of Government (usually the Prime Minister).
  • Head of State is often used interchangeably with Head of Government, but there is a distinction to be made between the two concepts. Head of Government usually refers to the person who leads the majority party in parliament and has the confidence of parliament to execute their policy agenda.

Head of State, on the other hand, refers to the person who acts as the chief public representative of the nation-state and its people both domestically and internationally.

What is a Head Of Government?

  • Head of Government is a title used in many countries to describe the highest ranking person in the executive branch of the government, often the Prime Minister or President.
  • The Head of Government is responsible for leading the government and overseeing its policies. In some countries, such as the United Kingdom, the Head of Government is also the Head of State.
  • In others, such as the United States, the Head of Government and Head of State are two separate positions. Head of Government is a title used in many countries to describe the highest ranking person in the executive branch of government, often the Prime Minister or President. The Head of Government is responsible for leading the government and overseeing its policies.

Difference between Head Of State and Head Of Government

  • Head of the state is a title often used in monarchies for the person who holds the position of chief public representative of the monarchy, Head of state functions as a single point of contact between a Head of state’s national and foreign nations Head of government is the person who is in charge of the administration of the government.
  • The Head of government is usually equivalent to the Prime Minister, the Head of government possesses more control than the Head Of State when it comes to directing national policy and decision-making.
  • Head Of State usually has ceremonial duties Head Of Government possess more power because they are responsible for policy implementation. The main difference between a Head Of State and the Head Of Government is their role in governing the nation. The Head Of State focuses on diplomacy while the Head Of Government focuses on domestic policy.


Although the two positions may have similar-sounding titles, they actually have different responsibilities and duties. The head of state is more like a figurehead, while the head of government is responsible for making decisions that affect the country.

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