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Difference between Ham and Canadian Bacon

Difference between Ham and Canadian Bacon

There are many different types of bacon available on the market, but most people are familiar with the two most popular types: ham and Canadian bacon. While they may seem similar, there are some key differences between the two. Ham is made from pork leg meat, while Canadian bacon is made from pork back meat. Ham is also typically smoked or cured, while Canadian bacon is not. Finally, ham is usually thicker and has a more intense flavor than Canadian bacon.

What is Ham?

Ham is a type of cured meat that is typically made from pork. The meat is first salted and then smoked or roasted. Ham has been a popular food for centuries, and it can be served in a variety of ways. Ham is often used as an ingredient in recipes such as soups, stews, and casseroles. It can also be thinly sliced and served on sandwiches or with eggs and toast for breakfast. Ham is a versatile food that can be enjoyed in many different ways.

What is Canadian Bacon?

Canadian bacon is a type of pork that is typically cured and smoked. It is made from the leanest cuts of pork, which gives it a lower fat content than other types of bacon. Canadian bacon also has a higher sugar content than other types of bacon, which gives it a sweeter taste. Canadian bacon is often used as breakfast meat or in recipes that call for bacon. It can be served cooked or uncooked and can be sliced or diced to suit your needs. Canadian bacon is a versatile ingredient that can add flavor and nutrition to any dish.

Difference between Ham and Canadian Bacon

Ham and Canadian bacon are both pork products, but they differ in a few key ways. Ham is made from the hind leg of a pig, while Canadian bacon comes from the loin. This means that ham is higher in fat, while Canadian bacon is leaner. Ham is also smoked and cured, while Canadian bacon is only cured. As a result, ham has a stronger flavor, while Canadian bacon is mild. Ham is typically served sliced and uncooked, while Canadian bacon is usually cooked before eating. When it comes to nutrition, both ham and Canadian bacon are good sources of protein. However, Canadian bacon is lower in calories and fat, making it the healthier option.


Ham and Canadian bacon are both pork products, but there is a big difference between the two. Ham is made from the hind leg of a pig, while Canadian bacon is made from the loin of a pig. Ham is also cured in salt or brine before it’s smoked, while Canadian bacon isn’t usually cured. The main difference between ham and Canadian bacon is that ham has a much higher fat content than Canadian bacon does. This makes ham taste richer and more fatty than Canadian bacon.

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