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Difference between Grammar and Syntax

Difference between Grammar and Syntax

As two of the main core concepts in linguistics, grammar and syntax are essential to understand. But what is the difference between the two? Syntax refers to the structure of a sentence, while grammar encompasses all aspects of language, including pronunciation, spelling, and word choice.

What is Grammar?

  • Grammar is the set of rules that govern the use of a language. It includes the rules of syntax, which dictate the order and structure of words in a sentence, as well as the rules of semantics, which dictate the meaning of words and phrases.
  • Grammar also encompasses the rules of pronunciation and punctuation. Together, these rules determine how a language is spoken and written. While grammar is often seen as a set of static rules, it is actually highly dynamic, evolving as a result of changes in a language’s usage.
  • As new words are coined and new phrases become popular, the rules of grammar evolve to accommodate them. Similarly, as languages come into contact with one another, they often borrow grammatical features from one another. As a result, grammar is constantly changing to keep pace with the ever-evolving nature of language itself.

What is Syntax?

Syntax is the study of the rules that govern the way words are combined to form phrases, clauses, and sentences. In addition to showing how words are related to one another, syntax also reveals how the meanings of these words are affected by their position in a sentence. For example, the sentence “I saw the man with a telescope” has a different meaning than “I saw a man with a telescope.” By understanding syntax, we can see how the same words can be rearranged to create different implications and meanings. As such, it is an essential tool for anyone who wishes to understand or produce language.

Difference between Grammar and Syntax

Grammar and syntax are two important concepts in linguistics that are oftentimes confused. Grammar refers to the rules of a language that dictate how words can be combined to form sentences. Syntax, on the other hand, is the study of how sentences are structured. In other words, syntax is concerned with the order of words within a sentence. While grammar and syntax are both important aspects of language, they are distinct from one another. It is important to be able to distinguish between the two in order to better understand how language works.


In short, grammar is the set of rules that govern how words are put together to form phrases and sentences, while syntax refers to the order in which those words are arranged. Although they are related, it’s important to understand the difference between grammar and syntax in order to produce clear, concise writing.

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