When it comes to choosing between Gouache and Watercolor, the decision often comes down to personal preference. Both mediums produce similar effects, but there are some key differences that may sway your decision. In this blog post, we’ll take a closer look at both Gouache and Watercolor, and help you decide which medium is right for you.
What is Gouache?
Gouache is a type of water-based paint that is characterized by its opaque finish. Unlike watercolors, which are transparent, gouache can be used to create bold, vibrant colors that stand out on the page. Gouache is also thicker than watercolor, making it ideal for painting thick strokes or building up layers of color. Furthermore, gouache dries quickly, allowing artists to work quickly and efficiently. While it shares many qualities with watercolor, gouache is a unique medium with its own set of advantages. As a result, it has become a popular choice for illustrators, painters, and graphic designers.
What is Watercolor?
Watercolor is a type of painting that uses water-based pigment. The pigment is usually diluted with water and then applied to a painting surface, such as paper or canvas. Watercolor paintings are often known for their soft, misty appearance. This effect is created by the Transparent nature of the pigments, which allows light to pass through them and reflect off the white surface beneath. Watercolors can be further categorized into two main types: opaque and transparent. Opaque watercolors have a more solid appearance, while transparent watercolors appear more translucent. Watercolors are typically made by combining one or more pigments with a binder, such as gum arabic. This combination helps to hold the pigment in place and prevent it from running when wet. However, some artists choose to paint with pure pigment, without using any binder at all. This technique is known as “drybrush” or “glazing”. painting and results in a more delicate finished product.
Difference between Gouache and Watercolor
Gouache and watercolor are two popular types of paints that have some similarities but also some key differences. Both gouache and watercolor are translucent, meaning that light can shine through them. This makes them ideal for painting layers, as each layer will allow some of the previous layers to show through. Gouache is made with pigment, water and a binding agent, while watercolor is made just with pigment and water. As a result, gouache is thicker and more opaque than watercolor. Gouache can also be reworked once it dries, while watercolor is more permanently set once it dries. Both gouache and watercolor can produce beautiful paintings, but the type of paint you use will depend on the look you want to achieve.
Gouache and watercolor are both popular painting mediums, but they have some key differences. Gouache is a bit thicker than watercolor and can be opaque, while watercolor is transparent. This means that gouache can be used for layering and blending to create more depth in your paintings, while watercolor will give you a more ethereal look. Experiment with both to see which you prefer!