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Difference between Genus and Species

Difference between Genus and Species

There are many terms in the world of biology that people might not be familiar with. Two of these terms are genus and species. You may have heard these terms before, but you may not know what they actually mean. In this blog post, we will explain the difference between genus and species. Keep reading to learn more!

What is Genus?

Genus is a taxonomic rank that is used to group together similar species. The rank is above species and below a family. The Latin name for Genus is “genera”. Genus is abbreviated “g.” An example of a Genus would be the Genus Canis, which contains all species of dogs, including wolves, coyotes, jackals, and domesticated dogs. The Genus Panthera contains all species of big cats, including lions, tigers, leopards, and jaguars. Genus is typically used when referring to plants as well, such as the Genus Rosa ( roses) or Genus Camellia (camellias). In some cases, the Genus and Species are the same, such as with human beings, Homo sapiens. Taxonomists may also use subgenus, infraorder, superfamily, and other ranks when necessary to group together similar organisms.

What is Species?

Species is a population of organisms that interbreeds and produces fertile offspring. A species is often defined by its physical appearance, but it can also be defined by its behavior or genetics. For example, the American bison and the European bison are considered to be separate species, even though they can produce fertile offspring. Species are also classified based on their evolutionary history. All members of a species share a common ancestor, and they have evolved over time to become adapted to their environment. There are an estimated 8.7 million species on Earth, and new species are constantly being discovered.

Difference between Genus and Species

Genus and species are the two most important units used in scientific classification. Genus is a taxonomic rank that is used to group together closely related organisms. The scientific name of an organism consists of its genus name and species name. For example, the scientific name of a human is Homo sapiens, where Homo is the genus name and sapiens is the species name. Species is a taxonomic rank that is used to group together organisms that can interbreed and produce fertile offspring. For example, all members of the dog family are considered to be members of the same species (Canis lupus), as they can interbreed and produce healthy offspring.

There are many other taxonomic ranks besides genus and species, but these two are by far the most important. Genus provides information about an organism’s evolutionary history, while species provides information about an organism’s current form. Together, they provide a complete picture of an organism’s place in the natural world.


The genus and species are two of the most important taxonomic levels in the classification of organisms. In order to differentiate between them, it is important to understand their definitions and characteristics. With a better understanding of these two classifications, you will be able to more accurately identify different types of plants and animals.

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