Difference between Frog and Toad

Difference between Frog and Toad

Frog vs. Toad

What is Difference between Frog and Toad? For some people, distinguishing frogs from frogs can be a bit difficult; since they are quite similar. These two amphibians are well known, mainly because they are much mentioned elements in children’s stories, television and in the histories that are counted in each culture: the toad that after being kissed becomes prince, the Rene Frog, the frogs and frogs used by witches as ingredients for their spells.

Difference between Frog and toad

For those people who are not very involved with nature, today we are going to tell you what the difference between frog and toad is.


Frogs are part of the Animalia Kingdom and the genus Anura. Anurans are a group that is commonly classified into 33 different families, of which the largest are Hylidae, Leptodactylidae and Ranidae. Almost all families of the order Anura are considered like frogs, nevertheless, only the members of the family Bufonidae are considered like “true toads”.

Frogs are considered as aquatic or semi-aquatic creatures depending on their type, and they reciden in places near the water or in the water to survive. They are found in almost all continents except Antarctica.

The easiest way to distinguish a frog is by the appearance of your skin. The skin of the frogs is moist, wet, smooth and shiny. Many families of frogs secrete a soft, sticky toxic substance that forms a kind of layer to keep your body moist and keep predators away.

Frogs are usually small, have a thin body; with a narrow waist and no tail. They have powerful hind legs, which are slightly longer than the previous legs and their eyes are bulging. The back legs are usually webbed (fingers are joined by a membrane), to help them climb surfaces and swim in the water. Many types of frogs also have a full set of small teeth, although some have only one set of teeth further to the bottom of the mouth.

Frogs can vary in shape and there are different colors: green, yellow, brown … in some cases may combine more than one color in order to camouflage and protect them from predators. The life of a frog can last from 2 to 15 years in the jungle and up to 40 years in captivity.


Toads are also part of the Animalia Kingdom and of the order Anura. These are often classified as Bufonidae, Bombinatoridae, Discoglossidae, Pelobatidae, Rhinophrynidae, Scaphiopodidae and Microhylidae. Only the toads of the Bufonidae family are considered as true toads. The most common toad is the English toad also known as the Bufo toad.

Note: Scientifically, there is no distinction between frogs and toads as to their taxonomy.

Unlike frogs, toads do not require water and moisture to survive; can remain in dry and arid areas without problems. However, they adapt are ease to the moist and the areas near the water. S afters are found on almost every continent except Antarctica and Australia (the latter is actually a country that belongs to the continent of Oceania).

Generally, toads are known for their warty skin. The skin of a toad is thick, rough, dry and leathery. They are the small protuberances that counts those that make it appear to have small warts.

They are distinguished from frogs by their plump body and small short legs. They do not have their webbed feet, but their hind legs as well as the front legs have their separate fingers. Also, they have no queue. His eyes are large, with ridges above and behind them are the parotoid glands. These glands are responsible for secreting a sticky liquid that is smelly and toxic, to keep predators away.

Another thing that characterizes them is that they play inflating their bodies to deceive their predators. M hile frogs use their powerful hind legs to jump away, toads are known to jump short distances.

Toads have no teeth. Gsually are in dark and dirty colors, for this reason can easily be mixed with rocks and fallen leaves. The life span of a toad can range from 2 to 20 years in captivity and from 5 to 10 years in the wild. However, many have lived to the age of 40 years.

Key differences between Frogs and toads

  • Frogs usually have smooth, shiny and moist skin; while toads have dry and rough skin.
  • Frogs have long and strong hind legs, while toads have small and short toads.
  • Frogs usually have webbed feet (especially posterior ones), while toads have their fingers separated.
  • Female frogs lay small groups of eggs on the surface of the water, while female toads lay a long string of eggs.
  • The frogs are small and thin, with a small waist and bulging eyes; while toads have a chubby body with small legs, dry skin and with bumps that look like warts.
  • Frogs have teeth and no frogs.
  • Frogs require a humid habitat to survive, while toads; although they adapt to humidity, can also live in dry and arid areas.
  • The eyes of the frogs are bulging, but those of the toads are only large.
  • Frogs jump high to flee their predators, while toads use their bad smell to drive them away.

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