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Difference between Fraternal and Identical Twins

Difference between Fraternal and Identical Twins

There are two types of twins: fraternal and identical. Fraternal twins come from two different eggs, while identical twins come from one egg that is fertilized by two sperm. This means that they have the same DNA and look exactly alike. Although they share many similarities, there are some key differences between these two types of twins. Read on to learn more about the differences between fraternal and identical twins.

What are Fraternal Twins?

Fraternal twins are two offspring born at the same time from different eggs fertilized by different sperm cells. In other words, they are siblings who just happen to be born on the same day. According to the National Center for Health Statistics, about 3 in every 1,000 births result in twins; of these, about one-third are fraternal twins. Although they share a birthday and DNA, fraternal twins are no more alike than any other siblings. They may be of the same gender or different genders, and they may look alike or completely different.

What are Identical Twins?

Identical twins are created when a single fertilized egg divides into two separate embryos. This means that identical twins share the same DNA and are, genetically speaking, indistinguishable from each other. However, there are some subtle differences that can occur. For instance, identical twins may have different birthmarks or patterns of hair loss. They may also develop different Signature Traits, which are small physical characteristics that are not determined by genetics. Nevertheless, identical twins are remarkably alike, both physically and mentally. Studies have shown that they often share the same interests, abilities, and even personality traits. Interestingly, identical twins raised in separate households will often exhibit similar behaviors and thought patterns. This suggests that there is a strong bond between identical twins, one that goes beyond mere genetics.

Difference between Fraternal and Identical Twins

Fraternal twins are two babies who are born at the same time from separate eggs that have been fertilized by separate sperm. They may or may not be of the same sex, and they may or may not look alike. Identical twins, on the other hand, are two babies who are born at the same time from the same egg that has been fertilized by the same sperm. They are always of the same sex, and they always look alike. The main difference between fraternal and identical twins is their genetic make-up. Fraternal twins are no more alike than any other two siblings, while identical twins are genetically identical.


Twins provide an excellent opportunity for scientists to study the role of genetics in human development. Identical twins share 100% of their DNA, while fraternal twins share only 50%. By studying twins who are different, scientists can determine which traits are due to environmental factors and which are due to genetics. Twin studies have provided valuable information about many aspects of human development, including intelligence, personality, and addiction.

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