Difference between FRAME and IFRAME

Difference between FRAME and IFRAME

In an effort to make your website more dynamic, you may have considered using frames or iframes. But what’s the difference? Frames are used to display separate HTML documents within the same browser window. Iframes, which are supported by all major browsers, are used to embed a document inside another document. In general, iframes are more widely used because they allow you to embed documents from other websites while maintaining the same look and feel as your website.

What is FRAME?

FRAME is an HTML element that allows web developers to divide a web page into separate, independent sections. FRAMEs can be used to display each section of the page in its own independent window, or they can be used to display multiple sections of the same page in different windows. FRAMEs are often used to display menus, ads, or other content that should be independent of the rest of the page. When used correctly, FRAMEs can help to improve the usability of a web page. However, FRAMEs can also cause problems for users if they are not properly designed. For example, FRAMEs can make it difficult for users to bookmark a specific location on a page, or to print a specific section of a page. FRAMEs should be used carefully, and only when necessary.

What is IFRAME?

IFRAME is an HTML element that allows an external website to be embedded in a webpage. IFRAME set the URL of the website to be displayed, and the width and height of the IFRAME can be set to determine how much of the website should be displayed. IFRAME can also be used to display advertising banners or other forms of content from external websites. IFRAME is useful for displaying content from external websites without having to leave the current webpage. However, IFRAME can also be used to load malicious content from an external website, so it is important to only use IFRAME from trusted websites.

Difference between FRAME and IFRAME

FRAME and IFRAME are HTML tags used to create a rectangular area within a web page. FRAME is used to divide a web page into multiple sections, each of which can be scrolled independently. IFRAME is used to embed another web page within the current page. FRAME is not supported by all browsers, whereas IFRAME is supported by all major browsers. IFRAME is a more recent tag and is generally preferred over FRAME.


Finally, it is important to understand the difference between FRAME and IFRAME. FRAMES embed a web page within another web page, while IFRAMES allows you to display content from other websites as if they are part of your own website. Both can be used for different purposes, but it is important to use them correctly in order to avoid potential security risks.

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