Difference between Folic Acid and Folinic Acid | Folic vs Folinic Acid

Difference between Folic Acid and Folinic Acid | Folic vs Folinic Acid

Folic Acid Vs Folinic Acid

What is the difference between Folic Acid and Folinic Acid is a question that I have seen a number of people ask.

By name, though folic and Folinic acid is a lot the same, when it comes to functionality, then we can see the difference.

Though some people mixed them both, you differentiate both of them easily, if you have a little bit known how about both of them.

Difference between Folic Acid and Folinic Acid.

Folic acid and Folinic acid solution are two important sources of vitamin M.

Both, folic and Folinic acids are available in natural food, and can also be a part of medicine.

The real key difference between folic acid and Folinic acid is their chemical structure and stability.

Folic acid is an oxidized synthetic mixture in food fortification and dietary supplements.

However, Folic acid is more secure and easily available than Folinic acid.

In contrast, Folinic acid is a metabolically active form of folic acid that does not require enzymatic transformation.

Difference between Folic Acid and Folinic Acid

Folic Acid

The chemical name of Folic acid is “folate, pteroyl-L-glutamic acid”, and is also known by the name of Supplement B9 or Vitamin M.

The name folic acid or folate is based on a Latin phrase, pronounced as “folium”, which means ‘leaf’, as folic acid is rich in vegetables having dark green leaves.

Folic acid helps our body to produce, healthy, new cells and prevents forced changes to GENETICS, as these changes generally lead to cancers.

It is an extremely important drug, particularly for women during their pregnancy state period.

Getting a sufficient amount of folic acid during pregnancy stops major defects of the newborn baby’s brain or spine.

for Further Reading

To treat pestilent anemia, folic acid is usually given in a combination with other drugs.

Therefore, it is necessary to talk to your doctor when you take folic acid during pregnancy or breastfeeding.

In addition, it’s advisable not to consume folic acid when;

one is suffering from an infection, pernicious anemia, hemolytic low blood count, anemia, kidney disease, or alcoholism.

Follow the doctor’s instructions and prescribed dosages when he takes folic acid.

It is good to take folic acid with a full glass of water.

Storage space conditions for the folic chemical are room temperature no moisture and heat.

Folinic acid

Folinic acid is an important vitamin B and vitamin M source. known as Leucovorin.

The usages are to lower the harmful effects of certain drugs such as pyrimethamine (Daraprim) or trimetrexate (Neutrexin) and also to treat certain types of anemia and cancers.

Like a drug, Folinic acid can be found in 5-milligram tablets, usually was taken with or without food.

Likewise, it is injectable into veins (intravenous) or into a muscle within arms or buts (intramuscular).

The dosage differs depending upon the severity of the situation.

For instance, for the prevention of an adverse effect caused by pyrimethamine (Daraprim), the normal daily dosage is 12 milligrams to 25 milligrams.

When one takes Folinic acid with certain drugs, there is a possibility that it can interfere with them,

i.e. phenytoin (DilantinTM), phenobarbital, and primidone (Mysoline), etc.

Therefore, to prevent such problems, the doctor and the pharmacist should be aware of the drugs that he is prescribing. In addition, you should tell about the natural products you are taking.

Along with, if you wish to take a new drug or a natural product while you are taking Folinic acid, you should inform the doctor before taking it.

If you are pregnant or if you are breastfeeding; you should discuss with the physician about this matter as well.

Store this drug in a cool and dry place with a temperature of about 15-30 degrees Centigrade.


Now after reading this detailed post about Folic Acid and Folinic Acid then should be loudly clear to you what Folic Acid is and what is Folinic Acid and what are the main differences between both of them.

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