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Difference between Flu Shot and Nasal Spray Influenza Vaccines

Difference between Flu Shot and Nasal Spray Influenza Vaccines

The flu shot and nasal spray influenza vaccines are both effective ways to protect yourself from the flu, but there are some differences between them. The flu shot is a vaccine that is injected into your arm, while the nasal spray is a vaccine that you squirt up your nose. The flu shot contains an inactivated virus, while the nasal spray contains a live attenuated virus. Both of these vaccines are very safe and highly effective at preventing the flu. However, the nasal spray is not recommended for pregnant women or people with compromised immune systems. If you are looking for an effective way to protect yourself from the flu, either of these vaccines will do the trick!

What is Flu Shot Vaccine?

Most people know that the flu shot vaccine helps protect against the flu, but many don’t know how the vaccine actually works. The flu shot contains an inactivated form of the influenza virus, which helps the body develop immunity to the virus without actually becoming sick. When you are exposed to the influenza virus, your body produces antibodies to fight off the infection. The next time you are exposed to the virus, your body is able to more quickly produce antibodies, which helps to prevent you from becoming sick. The flu shot vaccine helps to boost your body’s immune response so that you are better protected against the virus.

What is a Nasal Spray Influenza Vaccine?

Nasal Spray Influenza Vaccine, or Nasal Flu Vaccine, is a vaccine that helps protect against the influenza virus. The Nasal Flu Vaccine is made with live, attenuated (weakened) influenza viruses that do not cause infection.

  • Nasal Flu Vaccine is administered as a nasal spray and is recommended for people who are 2 years of age and older. Nasal Spray Influenza Vaccine is different from the flu shot, which is an injectable vaccine.
  • Nasal Spray Influenza Vaccine is given as a nasal spray and helps to protect against both influenza A and B viruses. Nasal Spray Influenza Vaccine is typically available in the fall and should be given before the start of the influenza season.
  • Nasal Spray Influenza Vaccine is not recommended for pregnant women or people with certain medical conditions. Talk to your health care provider if you have questions about Nasal Spray Influenza Vaccine.

Difference between Flu Shot and Nasal Spray Influenza Vaccines

Flu shots and nasal sprays are both types of influenza vaccines. Flu shots are given with a needle, usually in the arm, and are the most common type of flu vaccine. Nasal spray vaccines are a fine mist that you breathe in through your nose, and are also called “live attenuated influenza vaccines.” Flu shots are made with inactivated (killed) viruses and thus cannot give you the flu.

  • The viruses in the nasal spray vaccine are weakened so that they do not cause severe disease, but may still be able to cause some mild side effects like a runny nose or sore throat. Both types of vaccines protect against the three or four most common Flu strains for that particular year.
  • The best time to get vaccinated is before Flu season begins, which is typically October-November in the United States, but as long as Flu season is still going on it’s not too late to get vaccinated. Flu vaccinations are recommended for everyone aged 6 months and older. If you have a severe allergy to eggs you should not receive a Flu shot, but there is an alternative cell-based Flu vaccine available.
  • Pregnant women can safely receive either type of Flu vaccine. Nasal Spray vaccines are not recommended for pregnant women, children under 2 years old, or people with certain medical conditions like asthma or diabetes. People with weakened immune systems should also speak with their doctor before receiving a Flu vaccine.

Overall, both Flu shots and nasal spray vaccines are effective ways to reduce your chances of getting the Flu and spreading it to others. Vaccination is the best way to protect yourself and others from the Flu, so make sure to get yours today!


The CDC recommends that all people 6 months of age and older get vaccinated against the flu each year. There are two types of flu vaccines- the shot and the spray. Most people will want to get the shot, but there are a few reasons you might want to choose the nasal spray vaccine. We’ve outlined those differences for you here, so you can make an informed decision about which type of vaccine is right for you and your family.

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