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Difference between Float and Double

Difference between Float and Double

When you’re working with numbers in programming, it’s important to choose the right data type. In this post, we’ll explore the difference between float and double data types, and when to use each one. Stay tuned!

What is Float?

Float is a data type in programming languages that represents real numbers with decimal points. Float values can contain fractional parts, but they cannot contain the infinite or NaN (not a number) values. When a Float variable is declared, it is usually assigned a value of 0.0f. Float variables are used when more precision is needed than what integers can provide, such as when working with decimal values. Many programming languages also provide a Double data type, which is similar to Float but with twice the precision. Float and Double values are stored using 32-bit and 64-bit IEEE 754 format, respectively. In some cases, Float and Double values may be converted to and from other numerical data types, such as integers or strings.

What is Double?

Double is a programming language created by Sun Microsystems. It was designed to be a more powerful and sophisticated alternative to the Java programming language. Double is based on the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) and uses a similar syntax to Java. However, it also includes features that are not present in Java, such as dynamic dispatch and Productions. Double is currently used by a small number of companies and developers. However, its popularity is growing, and it is likely that Double will become more widely used in the future. Double offers many benefits over other programming languages, and it is an excellent choice for developers who are looking for an alternative to Java.

Difference between Float and Double

Float and Double are two data types used in programming languages such as Java, JavaScript, Swift, and C++. Float is a single-precision 32-bit IEEE 754 floating point. Double is a double-precision 64-bit IEEE 754 floating point. Float occupies 4 bytes whereas Double occupies 8 bytes in memory.

  • Float can represent a number between -3.4E38 to 3.4E38 with 6 to 7 significant digits precision whereas Double can represent a number between -1.7E308 to 1.7E308 with 15 significant digits precision.
  • According to IEEE standards, Float has 24 bits for the mantissa, 8 bits for the exponent, and 1 bit for the sign bit whereas Double has 53 bits for the mantissa, 11 bits for the exponent, and 1 bit for the sign bit. Float is used when we need a number with a small degree of accuracy whereas Double is used when we need a number with a large degree of accuracy.
  • When we need faster computations, Float is used whereas when we need very high-precision calculations, Double is used. The float should not be used for currency calculations because of its single-precision nature whereas Double can be used for currency calculations up to certain decimal points according to its 64 bits mantissa value in IEEE standards which provides more decimal points than that of Float’s 32 bits mantissa value in IEEE standards.


Float and double are two different data types that store numbers. Float stores decimal points, while double stores integers. In most cases, you will want to use a float type instead of a double because it takes up less space on the memory. However, if you need to do math with large numbers or perform scientific calculations, you will need to use a double type.

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