Difference between First Person and Third Person

Difference between First Person and Third Person

When it comes to writing, there are two main points of view: first person and third person. Both have their own set of benefits and drawbacks, which is why it’s important to understand the difference between them before starting your next project. In this blog post, we’ll break down each point of view and help you decide which one is right for your writing needs.

What is First Person?

First person is a point of view where the narrator is talking about themselves. First person is often used in autobiographies and memoirs, as well as some fiction stories. The use of first person gives the reader insight into the thoughts and feelings of the narrator. First person point of view can be limiting, however, because the reader only knows what the narrator knows and experiences. First person point of view can also create a more intimate connection between the reader and the narrator. First person is also sometimes used in nonfiction writing, such as essays, to give a more personal perspective on a topic.

What is Third Person?

Third person is the point of view in which the narrator is not a character in the story. This point of view is used to create an objective, impartial tone. Third person pronouns such as “he,” “she,” and “it” are used to refer to the characters in the story. Third person point of view can be limited, meaning that the narrator knows only what one character knows, or omniscient, meaning that the narrator knows everything about all of the characters. Third person point of view is often used in academic writing to create a more objective tone. However, it can also be used in fiction to create a distance between the reader and the characters, allowing for greater objectivity.

Difference between First Person and Third Person

First Person vs. Third Person First person is ultimately about the speaker’s self experience while third person is about others’ experiences. First person uses I, me, and myself while third person uses he, she, it, they, them, their, hers, and hers. First person is more intimate because it includes the speaker’s opinions and feelings while third person is more objective because it includes other people’s experiences. First person is more immediate because it happens in the present while third person often happens in the past. In short, first person is about the speaker’s self while third person is about others.


The difference between first person and third person can be confusing for writers. In first person, the narrator is talking about himself or herself. In third person, the narrator is talking about someone else. First person point of view is often used in personal essays and memoirs, while third person point of view is often used in fiction writing. When you are deciding which point of view to use, think about who your audience is and what you want them to experience. If you want your readers to feel like they are right there with the characters, using first person point of view may be the best choice.

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