Difference between Few and a Few

Difference between Few and a Few

Few and a few are both quantifiers that indicate a small number. However, there is a significant difference between the two words. Few is used when referring to something that is not many, while a few indicates that there are just enough items for everyone. For example, if you have only five cookies, you would say “I have few cookies,” because there are not many in comparison to the size of the group. However, if you have six cookies, you would say “I have a few cookies,” because there are just enough for everyone. In general, use “few” when speaking about things in terms of quantity or amount, and use “a few” when referring to things that can be counted or limited in number.

What is Few?

Few refers to a small quantity or number. It can be used both as a pronoun and as an adjective, and is often used in the phrases “a few” and “fewer.” Few is the opposite of many or several. Fewer indicates a reduced number of something, whereas less refers to a smaller amount of something. For example, you might say “I have fewer friends than I did last year” to indicate that your number of friends has decreased. Alternatively, you might say “I have less money than I did last year,” meaning that the amount of money you have has decreased. Few and fewer are both used when referring to countable nouns, whereas less is used when referring to uncountable nouns. Fewer is generally considered more formal than few. When in doubt, it is usually safe to use “a few” rather than “few.”

What is a Few?

When we say “a few,” we are referring to a small quantity of something. This could be a few drops of water, a few grains of sand, or a few seconds of time. The word “few” is derived from the Old English word “feawa,” which means “few in number.” In general, we use “a few” when we are referring to a small quantity that is not worth mentioning. For example, if you only have a few dollars in your pocket, you wouldn’t say “I have a few dollars.” However, if you had a hundred dollars, you might say “I only have a few dollars left.” The word “few” can also be used as a noun to refer to a small number of people or things. For example, you might say “There are only a few cookies left,” or “There were only a few people at the party.”

Difference between Few and a Few

Few and a few are both quantifiers that indicate a small number. However, there is a significant difference between the two words. Few is used when referring to something that is not many, while a few indicates that there are just enough items for everyone. For example, if you have only five cookies, you would say “I have few cookies,” because there are not many in comparison to the size of the group. However, if you have six cookies, you would say “I have a few cookies,” because there are just enough for everyone. In general, use “few” when speaking about things in terms of quantity or amount, and use “a few” when referring to things that can be counted or limited in number.


The main difference between few and a few is that few is used to describe a small quantity, whereas a few is used to describe a number of things. For example, you might say “I have only a few friends” to describe the fact that you don’t have many friends. Alternatively, you might say “fewer than ten people attended the party” if there were actually nine people at the party. In general, use fewer when referring to numbers and use less when referring to amounts of something.

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